9 thoughts on “Sons a bitches are back

  1. I live in a valley with a US military installation. I never noticed contrails. Then I started traveling and see them in lots of other places, except where there are large military installations. How odd.

  2. Hi Paul,

    Gee,.. I bet you there is a blue sky up there behind that milkish white veil of mind altering chemicals called Chem-Trails!!

    I would write more,.. but they just Chem-trailed us here, and I am already feeling it’s effects.//// anddd j haon cvohjqwhgf nowhrthj fhjfvvow fghvfcnn nh fh,.. !!!!

    JJJJd – jqaofj. hfohjn eh?


  3. Nonstop here in Iowa. I’d give about anything for some surface to air missiles.Hell,a battery of old school flak guns would be a lot of fun also.Food grade diatomaceous earth will help rid the body of heavy metals,aluminum for example.

  4. Can’t tell for sure here… nothing but solid rain clouds.

    They’re usually spraying above those, however, exposed by breaks in the clouds.

  5. It’s been going on here for the last four or so days. Both day and night.
    Chemmies out there about 5 am this morning, It’s cloudy now.

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