In the time before a major crisis occurs, private ownership or use of firearms, bows and arrows, and crossbows may be illegal and banned. As the situation gets worse, the government will impose martial law and confiscate weapons no matter how well you may think they are hidden.
Here are a few weapons that may be overlooked and that can be used to protect your family and loved ones.
Edged Weapons
Edged weapons are the oldest implements used by man. Then, as now, you can make knives and other edged weapons from flint, obsidian, bronze, arsenic copper-bronze, tin-bronze, iron. Today, there are three kinds of steel that you may be interested in:
- Damascus steel – originated in India about the 5th century BC. The steel was heated to red hot, hammered, folded, and then quickly cooled in water. This process was repeated at least 500 times. This produced a better weapons grade steel.
- Carbon steel – will rust if exposed to air and moisture. The rust if heavy will flake off causing the steel to weaken and break.
- Stainless steel is an alloy with a minimum of 10% chromium by mass. Stainless steel does not rust or stain by water as ordinary steel does. When heated the chromium becomes chromium oxide that acts to form an air and water tight film that seals off the metal. This steel comes in many grades and finishes.
The following edged tools and weapons can be used as a substitute for firearms for protection. All of them can be dipped in poison so that even a single glancing blow can be a lethal one.
Farm Tools: Any of the metal farming or gardening tools can be used as weapons to protect yourself or the family. The spade, rake, pitchfork, pick, sickle, hand hoe, and garden claw all make excellent choices for either offensive or defensive weapons.
- Bayonets: Either spike or flat knife designs can be used as is or cut back to make push knives. You can also add a set of brass or other metal knuckles by welding it to the shortened bayonet.
- Daggers and Boot Knives: These double edged knives have a blade longer than 6 inches and are used to stick or slash. Most have a skull crusher at the back of the hilt.
- Small Knives: Usually the blades are shorter than 6 inches long and can be a folding or a non-folding version. These knives are good defensive or offensive weapons because they can be “palmed” and used without them being seen.
- Swords: There are two different edge designs for swords. The first is the single edge the other is the double edge. There are several lengths of swords. The first is the short sword which is 16 to 18 inches long, regular size sword which is 20 to 24 inches long, and the two handed sword that measures over four feet long. The short and the regular size swords can be used for protection and carried inconspicuously, but the long two handed sword is too large to be practical for anything other than staving off an attack on your home.
- Spears: Have a 4 to 6 foot shaft with a metal spear point at the top. These weapons are designed to be thrown or thrusted into a human target.
- Throwing Stars: Are metal shaped stars that have sharpened points that were designed to be thrown at a target and stick into it. In the hands of a trained individual they can kill or do great bodily harm.
- Axes or hatchets: Are used for chopping. Some axes have double or single edges. As a weapon it can be thrown and deliver a bloody crushing wound or blunt trauma if the back blunt end hits first.
Blunt Force Weapons
Blunt force weapons use weight instead of sharp edges to kill or do great bodily harm. Damage to the body is caused by crushing instead of cutting.
- Canes: originally used to steady and help a person in walking. A cane can be used as a nightstick type weapon and can deliver knockout or death blows to the head, break arms or legs, or cause deep blunt trauma wounds to the central body core. Historically the cane sword was a way to carry a sword concealed and at the ready if needed. This weapon is easy to carry in plain sight.
- Clubs: Usually made of heavy wood or metal scrap. These are crushing weapons that break bones or deliver deep trauma to inner organs.
- Bats: Wood or aluminum bats used to play baseball also make a good weapon. A bat can easily break bones or kill if they hit the right part of the body.
- Staffs or walking sticks: For thousands of years staffs were a defensive and sometimes offensive weapon for the poor or peasants. An individual who was good with a staff could disarm a person with a sword or a gun.
- Maces: Maces were a medieval blunt force weapon made of steel or other strong metals. It was designed to crush skulls and brake limbs with blunt force. Today it is still a good defensive weapon in times of major crisis.
- Chains: Chains made of steel or other heavy metals can be used as weapons in a defensive roll. They can be made to look like every day clothing accessories such as belts. They can deliver deadly crushing blows or break limbs.
- Slings (2 Cord Type): Is a very old weapon that goes back thousands of years. It is easy to hid or conceal. With a little bit of practice it is possible to hit or kill your target out to 200 feet or better with rocks or scrapes of metal. Slings can be either defensive or offensive weapons.
- Slingshots for stone, metal projectiles, or arrows: Slingshots are no longer a toy. They can be used to hunt small game by launching a ball bearing, rocks, and even arrows with deadly accuracy. This weapon can also be used defensively to protect your family in the absence of firearms.
- Hand to Hand Fighting techniques: There are many forms from boxing to martial arts. Choose the fighting technique that best meets your needs and start studying today. Do not wait until the last moment to start the training.
In a time when all private firearm ownership is banned or illegal, the above are a few alternatives for weapons that might be put into service to protect your family and loved ones. Almost anything can be used as a weapon regardless of the situation.
As with prisons and jails, you only need a creative mind and the will to have a weapon in order to get around any law or force used to try and take away your ability to defend yourself.
This article has been written by Fred Tyrell for Survivopedia.
What’s the point? If you are stupid enough to give up your real weapons, you are too stupid to fight with slingshots against a well armed enemy. As the saying goes, “when they pry them from my cold dead hands”. If you have the mentality that you will be disarmed, you will be. I for one will not give up my weapons, only to fight with farm implements.
When guns are not allowed? That’s when you hand them over one round at a time. Hips and heads.
PB, you are correct.
the point is there are times you cant have a gun, or you dont want to make much noise.
That’s why they make silencers.
If I want to be quiet, I use subsonic ammo and a can. It’s more quiet than my crossbow.
This article is written for those who will give up their firearms. Good luck using farm tools against those with firearms. I will be dead so it will not matter. As long as I take 2 with me, I have done my duty. Attrition is a biotch.
I Canada, it is virtually impossible to use a firearm to defend yourself.
The bad guys would have to have them in order for a person to justify using one against them; if you could get it out of the locked cabinet and load it in time that is. I keep my tomahawks in arms reach but I will still get a firearm if the situation warrants it, regardless of the “law”
Dead is dead. ANYTHING that can kill your enemy is worth mentioning.
It goes without saying that these weapons are useless against guns, unless you can blindside the enemy, in which case they could come in VERY handy.
Like Mark says: BUY MORE AMMO!!!
Ya’ll might consider one of the wasp/hornet sprays. shoot a stream 20+ feet. Also, a SuperSoaker with ammonia works wonders. I have never used the wasp spray, but I can assure you that when you shoot someone with ammonia the only thing you hear is them scream. Doesn’t have to be full strength either. And it allows you to either run – or close in.
What do you mean when guns aren’t allowed?
Sez hu?
That’s how I can take out ZOG forces when they come for me — Medieval weapons.
The 2 knifes I do not see listed is the Asian bullock knife. In wood case. 24 inchs long sharp point for stabing, then dropping to a outward curve for hacking threw vines and jungle,cutting wood etc. then the blad flatting to the back. for shaving and wood working as a draw knife or plane blade. Full shank, with recap tire rubber for a handle to absorb shock and held in place with 3 nails and washers used for rivet’s. Easy to repair. I find them better than a machetty by far for general use. The next is the rounded end assian meat clever. You can walk the end across food diceing it. with more curve by a little to the blade. good for chopping threw bone and meat in a single chop, the round nose sharp is good for flipping your eggs of a morning. Better knifes for general all round use than I seen in America. Mine are made by the local blacksmith here. Good high carbon steel in them and hand hammered out. They keep a edge day in the bush, or day in the kitchen. Both once you become familiar with there use are great weapons. Every now and then you read in the paper here person hacked to death and can look at just how good they are for this. A bullock knife in a single foreward stroke will cut the throat and stick in the spine. And a good round nose meat clever will remove a shoulder in a single chop. See the butchers do it all the time here with them.