Swim Ontario continues to PROTECT 50-year-old man identifying as 13-year-old girl — now the Toronto Police Service is also protecting this creep!

By Rebel News

Instead of taking a stance against this perversity in the pool and upholding World Aquatics guidelines, Swim Ontario is going out of its way to accommodate Cepeda.

It may be a new year but the same old transanity prevails…

The latest installment: last weekend, the Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre hosted a swim meet. And Nicholas J. Cepeda, a.k.a., “Melody Wiseheart”, showed up yet again to compete against teenage girls. Nicholas/Melody “identifies” as a 13-year-old girl, and thanks to the unholy trinity of diversity, equity and inclusion, this mindset allows Cepeda to swim, change and shower with real teenage girls.

It’s gross beyond words…

But instead of taking a stance against this perversity in the pool and upholding World Aquatics guidelines, Swim Ontario is going out of its way to accommodate Cepeda. Incredibly, this woke sports regulator snuck Cepeda in to and out of the Pan Am Centre to “protect” him – not from violence, but from being asked insensitive questions.

And get this: at last weekend’s Toronto tournament, Swim Ontario plastered signs all over the venue banning the media (as in all media – again, to protect Cepeda!)

And it gets worse, much worse: the Pan Am Centre ramped up security and had several Toronto Police Service officers on site. That’s right: in a city plagued with crime ranging from robbery and rape to first degree murder, apparently a priority for the police is to mollycoddle a man identifying as a girl who might very well be mentally ill.

In fact, as Rebel News was reporting on the event from a public sidewalk, within moments several security guards and police officers approached us. The cops had a two-fold duty: first, to hand-deliver a letter to Rebel News from the Pan Am Centre noting that we had been officially trespassed. Why? For how long?

No explanations were given. And by the way, how is it that the police were serving as a courier service for the Pan Am Centre? (Oh, never mind. We momentarily forgot that these days, Toronto’s Finest are now reimaging themselves as Uber Eats drivers when they deliver coffee and Timbits to pro-Hamas demonstrators advocating for genocide. But we digress…)

And then these officers with the Toronto Police Service truly disgraced themselves: they threatened to charge Rebel News employees with trespassing – even though we were standing on a public sidewalk! Yes, the cops lied, stating that the sidewalk was private property. We stood our ground, called their bluff, and were eventually allowed to remain on what was indeed a public sidewalk.

We then asked the police to uphold their oath and arrest Cepeda for public indecency under sections 173.1 and 173.2 of the Criminal Code of Canada. But they refused to act on our complaint. It was baffling!

By the way, these sections state:

Section 173 (1): “Everyone who wilfully does an indecent act in a public place in the presence of one or more persons, or in any place with intent to insult or offend any person, is guilty of an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than two years.”

Section 173 (2) “An Indecent Exposure charge under Section 173(2) of the Code means that the person charged is accused of exposing their genital organs to a person under the age of 16. Because this offence involves a minor, it is more serious than an Indecent Act charge.”

Since the police on site at the Pan Am Centre refused to investigate, we called 9-1-1 (and waited on hold for almost 10 minutes.) A sympathetic dispatcher said a cruiser would be dispatched; alas, we have yet to hear how that investigation panned out.

But what an appalling story. Once upon a time, cops used to arrest sexual pervert suspects; now police officers serve as bodyguards for these creeps – and attempt to shutdown the practice of journalism based on a pack of lies regarding property lines. “To serve and protect” indeed…

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