In the disturbing film released by the Free Syrian Army rebel group a missile can be seen travelling towards the stricken chopper, which has landed in a mountainous area, before it explodes in a huge fireball.
Moments earlier a single soldier is seen assembling an American made TOW portable anti-tank missile launcher on a hillside before taking aim at the helicopter.
A narrator triumphantly gloats over the top of the video exclaiming “Allahu Akbar” – meaning “God is great” – as the missile hits and mangled wreckage from the craft is blasted into the air.
Earlier the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights said that the search and rescue helicopter had been forced to make an emergency landing after being shot at with a missile by Syrian rebels.
It was not immediately clear whether or not any Russian military personnel were in the helicopter at the time of the explosion. The shocking footage was posted on Twitter by an expert analyst in the Middle East but has not been independently verified.
The Russian helicopter had been scrambled to the crash scene to search for survivors after the jet was shot down following 10 warnings in five minutes to leave Turkish airspace, a Turkish military official has said.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights confirmed that the search and rescue helicopter was placed under fire by Syrian rebels.
The helicopter pilot was forced into a landing after being hit by a rocket fired by rebels.
In the footage a missile (circled) can be seen approaching the stricken craft
The helicopter is then struck by the missile
The helicopter can be seen being engulfed by a huge fireball
The British-based organisation said that the helicopter had made an emergency landing in the province of LatakiaIt comes as rebel forces said that bodies of both pilots have been recovered, Al Jazeera reported.
The Russian jet was just over the Syrian border when it was downed by F16 Fighting Falcon jets belonging to Turkey, the Turkish official said.
The footage, posted on Twitter, has not been independently verified
A Syrian Free Army fighter is seen constructing the anti-tank missile
The rebel fighter fires on the Russian helicopter
But the Russian Defence Ministry said the plane had not violated Turkey’s airspace and was flying at an altitude of 6,000 metres.Russian President Vladimir Putin has called an emergency meeting over the downing of the jet and unverified sources have claimed Russia is currently sending a warship across the Dardenelles from the Black Sea into the Mediterranean.
NATO has announced it will be holding an extraordinary session at 4.30pm GMT after Turkey requested it following the incident.
Two pilots managed to eject from the jet and were seen landing with the help of parachutes.
The jet is reported to be a Russian Su-24 flown by a pair of Russian pilots, with one believed to have been captured by Syrian rebels from the Alweya Al-Ashar (Brigade of the 10th) which consists of Turkmen with strong links to Turkey.
A Kremlin spokesman said it was a “very serious incident” but that it was too early to draw conclusions.
The Tweet from the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights confirming the helicopter was hit by a missil
The translated Tweet
“The helicopter can be seen being engulfed by a huge fireball”
Considering that they were there for a plane that was shot down… where the hell was their escort?
“A Kremlin spokesman said it was a “very serious incident” but that it was too early to draw conclusions.”
One conclusion can be drawn, however.
“Considering that they were there for a plane that was shot down… where the hell was their escort?”
Yea, my thoughts exactly. They weren’t very bright in planning their search and rescue mission. No cover or backup or anything. What did they think would happen? That they would just let them come on in and invite them for a nice bottle of Russian Vodkha?
Seriously. They ought to shoot their commanding officer who authorized the mission. No brains.
The clock ticks closer to midnight.
Doubt the Russian Federation is going to pull a first strike to take out that conventions of genetic defectives called a US Government in Washington DC, but since they the Enemy Occupied Gooberments in DC, London, and Telliviv, Istanbul are the ones sending hordes of Muslims to Europe and America to rape kill pillage and burn can’t say I’d really blame them if they responded to what is more likely an attempted first strike by Britain, Israel and the enemy occupied Government in DC.
May not be a bad idea to get out the old backhoe (rent one if you don’t own one) and start digging a fall out shelter. If you are within 100 miles of any US military installation start digging.