Taxes! (caution, I will be cursing a lot in this article)

My wife and I are considered self employed. We are independent contractors that perform work for various companies and at the end of the year we receive a 1099 from them so that we can file our taxes. We do not have taxes withheld like typical workers. We also do not qualify for unemployment do to our being self employed.

This year our fees that the pieces of shit in DC and my state require us to pay to be allowed to live in the kingdom came in under 5 digits. We were almost happy about that. It was mainly because I was out of work for a little while last year. It still hurts to write the check to the thieves in DC. I understand that even a minimal government requires fiat currency to function. But the amounts that they spend on themselves and their bullshit are unacceptable. To put this into perspective, Michelle Obama just went on vacation to China at our expense. Her majesty’s room ran over $8000.00 per night. The taxes that we are forced to pay for a year didn’t quite cover one night for her in her hotel. Yet we have to budget our money to be able to eat. It is tough to write that check every year knowing that the money that we send will go to a bunch of things that we don’t want it to go to.  

The piece of shit congressmen talk about a million dollars of tax payer currency like it is no big deal. Just a drop in the bucket of the total federal corporation’s spending. What they don’t talk about is the families that have to send in a few thousand each year so these bastards can wine and dine at our expense. They also love to spend our cash to pay off their banker buddies so they can be able to get high paying dead head jobs when they are no longer in office and they are done stealing from the American People.

The yearly check that we send them doesn’t even come close to the amount that we all spend yearly on tax at the store. Damn near 10 cents of every dollar we spend goes to these treasonous bastards so that they can further infringe on our freedoms. We are paying them to take our liberties. When was the last time any government official did anything even remotely close to upholding the law and abiding by the Bill of Rights and Constitution?

To put this further into perspective, think about this. We go to the store to purchase genetically modified food that is going to end up giving us cancer and Chinese crap made by Chinese slaves. We place 100.00 dollars worth of this crap in our cart (I use the word worth lightly). We get to the register and the total comes to 108.00 because the tax rate is 8% in your area. 4% of that goes to the state to be able to fund the governor traveling all over America trying to run for the next higher job in the chain or some politician building something in his district that will keep the Masons happy and the other 4 % goes to the city or county that you live in so that the councilman or mayor is able to run city water to their friend’s land so they can develop it and make millions of dollars for themselves. Yet your roads are still full of pot holes. Does it make sense to continue to fund our own demise while enriching the people that claim that they rule us?

How can we fix this, short of total revolt and removing the government officials from their offices and placing them under arrest for crimes against the Constitution and Bill of Rights? (I vote for that one) Stop spending your fiat currency in taxable institutions. If you need food, either grow it or go to a farmers market to purchase it. NO TAXES. If you need work done, ask the guy performing the work if he would prefer cash instead of a check or debit card. For now, most things that you buy online are tax free unless you live in the state that it sold in. Take advantage of that. We just bought a Sun Oven online. The price listed was $319.00 after the discount for going through When we checked out, the total was still $319.00. The government didn’t get a dime. That has to piss them off. GOOD!! When purchasing your weapons and ammo, try to purchase it from an individual at a gun show. That has a double benefit.

Try to add up the amount of tax that you pay for everything that you purchase for one month. Then multiply that by 12 months. Imagine if you could keep half of the total or more. Do your best to get out of their system and starve the beast. I know that what I consider to be a lot of cash is nothing to them. They will only laugh because they can get more from the Fed whenever they want. But it will allow you to keep more of your fiat currency and be able to live a little better and afford to get ready for what is coming.

We need to start building underground economies that do not have government involvement. The economy IS going to crash one day. Whether it is intentional or not will not matter when it happens. Do you think that all of the money that you gave the government will help you when that happens? No way. They have used your money to ensure that when it happens they live on, fat, dumb and happy, while you and your family suffer. They do not care about you. Do what you can now to get out of their system of taxation and become self reliant.

28 thoughts on “Taxes! (caution, I will be cursing a lot in this article)

  1. One of the biggest money pits that takes your hard earned money is a vehicle that get’s crappy gas mileage. I have two cars. One get’s 49 mpg the other gets 21 mpg. When I figured out how much I’d save per year by driving the 49 mpg car I would save $3500 per year. Multiply that number by the millions of cars getting around 25 mpg and you come up with hundreds of billions of dollars in profit going to big oil and our government. One statistic that blew me away was our government makes most of it’s money on our income tax checks we write them but in second place is the 38 cents per gallon at the pump they get every time we fill up. Now you know why they crushed the electric cars in Arizona, they got 180 miles per charge and had zero maintenance, just tires. Also cars in Europe get 75 miles per gallon and are outlawed here in the US.

      1. Yea I was curious about that too, Paul. What car in the U.S. can go 49 mpg? The highest I know is about 32-34 mpg.

        1. yes NC i have a Honda CRV that gets 34 hy. Have a Honda Ridgeline that gets 23 hy. I remember the old VW 4 banger diesels that got 75 to 80, but they are outlawed now. 😥

          1. Evening Paul,

            The only car that I know of that gets over 40 mpg is the new VW Jetta clean diesel. I believe they advertise 42 hwy.

            I drive a Nissan Altima that gets 39 mpg hwy.

            I too would love to know what Joe is driving. Maybe he found a gem most of us are unaware of. 😉 A prius perhaps??

          2. good evening Deb. Your Nissan is a good vehicle foe sure. If you want to really save money you could tough it out and ride a honda metro scooter. it gets around 113 mpg in town.

      2. 82 rabbit diesel,I got 36 round town,great little beast,you find one and go bio diesel would be home free!

        1. The Nissan has been good to me, I have only owned it for 7 months, as I got rid of my gas guzzling gmc suv. A scooter would be cool if I didn’t have kids, grand kids and dogs to lug around. haha 😉

          I had a friend that had an 82 rabbit back in high school. I didn’t realize it was that good on gas. Even though gas prices were pretty cheap back then, compared to the bloated prices we pay now.

          1. Deb,keep that stove a working and you will be fine, energy wise,yep,the old rabbit was a miser in a good way,4 speed standard little beast though did seriously upgrade stereo!I really would like to find another or a old toyota with either 20/22 r engine,more great misers with little computers ect. issues.

          1. Luddite,was a friend who did conversion/dealing with filtering ect.,had a straight shot at bio waste oil,cost money to get rid of then,for a time worth money but now again seems can get for free in drums.I have another friend at moment doing a dual system to try the bio but not make full commitment if not workable,this though is a 3/4 ton truck,am helping a bit with it and will post results though if good soon all will try and thus then not a cash saver,still,hate watse of any kind if it has a usable way in life.

  2. Wow Bulldog, thank you! These are the exact thoughts that have been rattling around in my head all day even to the point of getting tearful at times.

    The backbone of every American is about to break with the heavy load that’s being placed upon it. We are up against the wall but where do we go from here?

    Where is that good ol’ American pride? Dare I say diluted because over half of America’s population was not born here or did not grow up here much less even understand America’s history?

    Do we even have a judge left in this country who will sign papers over to the Federal Marshalls to arrest these … I don’t even know what to call them except Archons just because I don’t even recognize them as human beings.
    . . .

  3. Property taxes, absolutely detest them!!!! The 16th amm. was never properly ratified from what I hear, yet they steal our labour through taxes.

    1. Katie,
      We feel your pain on the property tax. We lived in killeen for a while. We bought a house for 79000. Our MONTHLY property tax was 254 or they steal your home. Texas is one of the worst for property taxes. They claim they are great for no income tax, but they kill you on property tax. It get really angry talking about taxes.

      1. Let me tell you.$254 a month is Cheap! We pay twice that here in Illinois. And we have it good some. When my daughter lived here, they were paying over $10K per year, almost a grand a month!

  4. If we put a stop to the tax money spent on foreign aid and all the illegal wars, that alone would end the financial crises!

  5. Don’t even get me started on taxes. Here in Nevada when you register your car, mine being a titan, the tags are $39.00, but the fed road tax is like $210.00 and the state road tax is $125.00. My question is if a pot hole can swallow my titan then what am I paying those road taxes for? They don’t resurface the roads, they patch them(and badly I might add). When they do resurface the roads then two weeks later they bring out a saw and cut large holes or long strips out to do work that should have been done before they resurfaced. Two months later after your tires have been eaten off from the steel plates in the road they come back and fill in the holes they made leaving the road like a washboard and in worse shape than before. Don’t get me started on all the other f@#$en taxes they rob from us.

  6. Your taxes, including your property taxes, almost all of it goes to pay the interest on past and current debt of government borrowed money. Basically someone ELSE borrowed money and spent it, and stuck you with the bill. Current spending, like Michelle O’s vacations and flying Air Force One around everywhere at 80K an hour, that comes from that borrowed money from the bankers, which you are charged to pay for with your taxes. That’s how it works basically, and that is what David Stockman’s study under Reagan found back in the 80’s. Now, here is the real crime. All that money spent paying for these wining and dining parasites in DC, that money was created out of thin air by a select group of banking families, in other words, the so-called DEBT doesn’t even EXIST since it was created out of nothing from fractional reserve banking. So why are we even paying taxes then? There is not now nor has there ever been any debt since 1913.

  7. I feel your pain, Bulldog. I bitch and bitch everyday to the point that I have nothing positive left to say about my life. It’s one big ball of negativity and hatred towards our government and the elite who are continuously tearing up our lives.

    I WANT OUR FREEDOM AND COUNTRY BACK, DAMMIT and I want these elitist bastards to PAY for what they have stolen from us!

    1. NC we all want it back, it is so sickening that we that are awake can see it, but everybody else just goes along to get along, it is frickin sickening. You literally want to shake people out of their slumber. We will, the time is coming, and by God’s grace and lots of bullets we will prevail!, Can I get an Amen!! 🙂

    2. NC I want it back too, all of it. Just the fact that you are here in the trenches with the rest of us, IS something positive about your life, because you are NOT alone. They can kick us, but we are strong and we are not evil, we do not think the way they do. That is what sets us apart. We inform and we try to spread the word because we care. We WILL win this. When push comes to shove we will shake these bastards off like a bad case of the fleas. *hugs*

  8. The only problem with working off the books is the pay sucks…but if you can live working off the books, that’s the way to go. Nothing wrong with underground economy either, and doing what is necessary to not pay fees (as for property taxes that is maybe THE worst thing about Texas, but there are other trade offs, particularly if you think secession will work and not replace one oppressor with another…which is one reason I am not sure secession will work. Before you call me a “traitor” to liberty keep in mind I know EXACTLY what psychopath Rick McLaren was up to: money laundering, arms dealing, and other scams–so beware!)

  9. Bulldog,

    Your words ring loud and clear. My husband and brother in-law are sitting in prison for not paying income tax, after a 11 year battle of trying to get answers from the irs. They (irs) stonewalled them for years. They told them, show me the law, and I will pay. No answer. They brought a stenographer into one of the meetings, still no answer. They refused on all fronts to the point that the irs kicked them out of a meeting. My brother in-law studied the code book for years. There is no law. Watch “Freedom to Fascism” by Arron Russo, you will hear testimony from former agents that could not find the law. My guys are not “tax protesters”. We pay every tax imaginable, and as you know that list is so very long. But they drew the line at income and have paid dearly.

  10. Unincorporated township,no property taxes.Face it,half of property taxes these days schools/really want to support that?!Unincorporated still does exist in many states,yes,dirt roads,no cops(hmmmm… problem there?!),no fire dept. but basic state ambulance.I hung in a town in Co. that cops said needed a raise,town voted out police dept completely and despite range of citizens from almost nazis to whale hugging hippies(mountains:whales?)folks just get along,people,you can do this.

  11. Bulldog, you forgot the kosher tax you paid at the grocery store!
    1981 VW pkup diesel 45mpg.. no I won’t sell!

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