Terrorist Plot Foiled in Sweden

Danish Intelligence officers arrested suspected terrorists Wednesday.  They are accused of preparing to attack a Copenhagen newspaper that five years ago released cartoons depicting the Profit Mohamed.  They were apparently well armed and carrying plastic ties in their pockets to use as hand cuffs.  It is believed that the plan was to kill as many people as possible.

Denmark’s intelligence service said it arrested four men in two raids in suburbs of the capital, Copenhagen, and seized an automatic weapon, a silencer and ammunition. Swedish police said they arrested a 37-year-old Swedish citizen of Tunisian origin living in Stockholm.

“An imminent terror attack has been foiled,” said Jakob Scharf, head of the Danish Security and Intelligence Service. He described some the suspects as “militant Islamists with relations to international terror networks” and said that more arrests were possible.

Officials seized a 44-year-old Tunisian, a 29-year-old Lebanese-born man and a 30-year-old who were living in Sweden and had entered Denmark late Tuesday or early Wednesday. The fourth person detained was a 26-year-old Iraqi asylum-seeker living in Copenhagen.

The Danish intelligence service said the group had been planning to enter the building where the Jyllands-Posten daily has its Copenhagen news desk and had wanted “to kill as many of the people present as possible.” The four men face preliminary charges of attempting to carry out an act of terrorism. They will face a custody hearing Thursday.

Many are speculating as to why the newspaper was attacked after the passage of five years.  I guess it is possible that the Muslim terrorists were getting tired of being upstaged by the anarchists on the European stage.  It is interesting that Sweden is finally joining the rest of the world in experiencing international violence.  I guess that’s what you get for having open borders.

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