Tesco underfire after selling smokey bacon flavour Pringles as part of a special Ramadan promotion

Tesco has come under fire for selling smokey bacon-flavoured Pringles as part of a Ramadan promotionThis “offends me” bullshit is really getting over the top.

Daily Mail

Tesco has come under fire for selling smokey bacon-flavoured Pringles as part of a Ramadan promotion.

The crisps were positioned under a Ramadan banner at a branch of the supermarket in Liverpool Street, London.  

The Pringles do not actually contain pork and use flavouring to gain their taste, meaning they are suitable for Muslims who avoid eating pork.

Vandana Priya Prasad tweeted: ‘The irony of it is hilarious! Someone at Tesco thought it would be a good idea to promote Ramadan deals using bacon-flavoured Pringles.’

Mohammed Waqas described it as ‘stupidity at its best’ while Mona Al Qazzaz tweeted: ‘Please tell me this is a joke’.

Another user added: ‘That’s me completely lost for words.’

The display led to widespread derision on Twitter, with many questioning Tesco's decision to promote the crisps in connection with the festival

The display led to widespread derision on Twitter, with many questioning Tesco’s decision to promote the crisps in connection with the festival

Speaking to Buzzfeed, Raza Hassan – who spotted the deal – described it as ‘hilarious’.

The 25-year-old said: ‘They had other flavours as well, it just seemed someone had stacked them in to the Ramadan promotional one by mistake!’ he said. ‘It didn’t offend me at all – but the irony of it was hilarious.’

A spokesman for Pringles said the promotion was that company’s idea, but that the flavours which should have been placed with that stand were original, sour cream and onion and salt and vinegar.

They said: ‘We apologise for the mistake, which was made in one store in London. These Pringles cans have now been moved.

‘It was never our intention to cause any offense and we’ve taken steps to ensure this doesn’t happen again.’

Tesco also accepted that the positioning of the crisps was not suitable.

A spokesman said: ‘We are proud to offer a wide range of meals and products to meet the needs of our customers during Ramadan. We recognise these Pringles weren’t in the most suitable place and our store colleagues have now moved them.’

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3137718/Tesco-underfire-selling-smokey-bacon-flavour-Pringles-special-Ramadan-promotion.html#ixzz3e7k5masK
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3 thoughts on “Tesco underfire after selling smokey bacon flavour Pringles as part of a special Ramadan promotion

  1. “The Pringles do not actually contain pork and use flavouring to gain their taste, meaning they are suitable for Muslims who avoid eating pork.”

    It’s all the other cr@p in them that’ll kill you.

    ‘It was never our intention to cause any offense and we’ve taken steps to ensure this doesn’t happen again.’

    Can’t offend the Muslims, but it’s open season on Christians.

  2. I am really starting to pay attention to the dynamic of being offended, or as TheRev puts it, “this ‘offends me’ bullshit.”

    This is a manipulative technique of the highest order, and the people do not see it. We are being trained to take offense at everything these days. (political correctness, erasing our history, check your privilege, cultural appropriation, etc.)

    And I know why. Being offended is a fairly primitive human psychological defense against learning the truth (about anything). It happens nearly subconsciously. It is a way of shifting blame onto others. Unfortunately, we are being manipulated by the hidden hands of behind-the-scenes puppeteers.

    The way it is employed against us, creating these feelings of “being offended” distracts us from what is really going on. As well, the emotions of anger it artificially (through deception) creates, serve the bonus purpose of fomenting division between groups — through causing us to identify with one group or another (against other groups), rather than seeing ourselves (and others) as individuals with shared humanity.

    The deceivers are playing this for all they can, and people are not catching on. Anytime anyone “takes offense” it means they are out of touch with reality. (but mentioning that may offend some people). Just realize it is a clue that there is a hidden truth you need to catch onto.

    “Being offended” is also a way of training us to look away from the truth, because it is portrayed as something so vile you just don’t even want to “go there.” But that’s where the truth lies! (and the truth is what sets us free)

    And of course that is not the only psychological technique being used against us.

    1. Thank you EE. Agreed 100%. If media focuses on it, it is because there is a desired reaction with ulterior motives. I will defend myself and my Nation regardless of skin color. American is American. I have ONE flag and it represents US as Americans. Yes, it has been stolen from us by zio-joo commie pos’s and some blindly follow it as others blindly follow other flags. To do so is to be led by your nose and you’re being chumped and giving them EXACTLY what they want.

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