Thank the Troops for Their Service? Speak for Yourself

Lew Rockwell – by Laurence M. Vance

President Obama made a surprise visit over Memorial Day weekend to Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan. Following a performance by country music star Brad Paisley, the President addressed about 3,000 troops in a hangar on the base. Video of the event, as well as a transcript of the president’s remarks, are up on the White House website.

After a few jokes, the president personally thanked the troops:  

To all of you, I’m here on a single mission, and that is to thank you for your extraordinary service. I thank you as your Commander-in-Chief because you inspire me. Your willingness to serve, to step forward at a time of war, and say “send me,” is the reason the United States stays strong and free. Of all the honors that I have serving as President, nothing matches serving as your Commander-in-Chief.

But why should anyone thank the troops for their service? Why should anyone thank the troops for fighting an unjust, immoral, unnecessary, senseless, and unconstitutional war? Why should anyone thank the troops for bombing and destroying Afghanistan? Why should anyone thank the troops for killing tens of thousands of innocent Afghans? Why should anyone thank the troops for making tens of thousands of widows and orphans? Why should anyone thank the troops for collateral damage of dead civilians? Why should anyone thank the troops for instigating, perpetrating, participating in, or otherwise being a part of atrocities, war crimes, and mass murder?

Later in his speech, Obama referenced Memorial Day:

Tomorrow is Memorial Day.  At bases here in Afghanistan and towns across America, we will pause and we’ll pay tribute to all those who’ve laid down their lives for our freedom.  And that includes nearly 2,200 American patriots who made the ultimate sacrifice, that last, full measure of devotion, right here in Afghanistan.

No U.S. soldier who died in Afghanistan died for any Americans’ freedom. In fact, freedom in America has steadily eroded since the bogus war on terror was declared and the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan was undertaken. U.S. soldiers who died in Afghanistan didn’t die defending the United States, protecting Americans from Afghan attacks, fighting “over there” so we wouldn’t have to fight “over here,” keeping Americans safe from terrorists, or avenging 9/11. U.S. soldiers died unnecessarilydupedin vain, and for a lie. They died for the imperial presidency. They died for the U.S. empire. They died for the national-security state. They died for the military-industrial complex. They died for a belligerent, reckless, and meddling U.S. foreign policy. They died for no one’s freedom.

The troops applauded the president several times during his speech—a speech during which he told the troops that he didn’t ever want them to forget why they were in Afghanistan. A few minutes after this statement, Obama gave the paramount reason why he believed U.S. troops were in Afghanistan: “And we’re going to make sure that Afghanistan can never again, ever, be used again to launch an attack against our country.”

Savvy troops would, of course, have immediately recognized that statement for the outrageous lie that it is. Instead of applauding their commander in chief, they would have instead asked him some pointed questions:

  • How was Afghanistan used to launch an attack against the United States?
  • Why didn’t the United States actually declare war on Afghanistan?
  • Why did my friend and fellow soldier have to have his genitals handed to him by an IED?
  • Why didn’t you end this senseless war when you first became commander in chief?
  • Why did “nearly 2,200 American patriots” have to die in vain and for a lie?
  • How much longer will the U.S. military be used as the president’s personal attack force to bomb, invade, occupy, and otherwise bring death and destruction to any country he deems necessary?
  • Why do thousands of American soldiers have to needlessly suffer from PTSD?
  • Why do you continue to use U.S. troops as pawns in the evil game that is U.S. foreign policy?
  • How many more soldiers have to die in Afghanistan before the United States pulls out all of its troops?
  • Why do you lie almost every time you open your mouth?

It is bad that Obama holds erroneous and nonsensical views about the troops, but it is even worse when he claims to represent all Americans regarding the troops:

But I’m also here representing 300 million Americans who want to say thank you as well. I know sometimes when you’re over here, away from home, away from family, you may not truly absorb how much the folks back home are thinking about you. So I just want you to know when it comes to supporting you and your families, the American people stand united. We support you. We are proud of you. We stand in awe of your service.

Now, it is true that many Americans do feel the same way as the president. After all, Obama doesn’t lie all of the time. He correctly pointed out in his remarks that Americans send care packages to the troops, line up at the airport to applaud, welcome home, and shake hands with the troops, stand to their feet at sporting events to salute veterans and the troops, and stop and listen when Medal of Honor citations are read.

But not all of us do.

Sorry, troops, the American people don’t stand united. Not all Americans are thinking about you. Not all Americans support you. Not all Americans are proud of you. Not all Americans stand in awe of your service.

The truth, of course, is just the opposite. Some Americans don’t think anything good about you going to Afghanistan. Some Americans oppose your mission in Afghanistan. Some Americans are ashamed of what you do in Afghanistan. Some Americans are disgusted by your service in Afghanistan.

There is nothing good about waging an unnecessary war. Senseless wars should never be supported. It is shameful for a U.S. soldier to die fighting an unjust war. It is not thankworthy to serve in the U.S. military.

The president doesn’t speak for all Americans regarding the troops. Speak for yourself, Barack Hussein Obama. Speak for yourself.

12 thoughts on “Thank the Troops for Their Service? Speak for Yourself

  1. Hey!

    Obama!!! (or should I say,… HEY!! – SOTORO!!!)

    On behalf of all military personnel (EXCEPT THAT TRAITOR that Ocrapo just committed international crimes to release, – Bergdahl), veterans and those who have paid the highest price,….. DROP DEAD SOTORO!!!,…YOU PIECE OF HUMAN GARBAGE!!!!

    Secret Service: Why have you NOT arrested this fraud yet???

    CIA: Why have you not assassinated this fraud yet???

    Between the Secret Service & the CIA – you would think that after killing a President that was TRYING to save this country (Kennedy),.. they would have at least made every attempt to do the same to a commie “President” that is absolutely, and 100% irrefutably destroying this country!!

    JD – US Marines – Those agencies, agents and individuals that SHOULD have arrested Ocrapo, the entire US Congress, The Judicial Branch (ESPECIALLY the 9 Supreme Court Traitors), and virtually the ENTIRE Executive Branch of this Enemy-Force-In-Occupation, ARE ALSO GUILTY OF TREASON AND SEDITION FOR NOT UPHOLDING THEIR OATH AND RESPONSIBILITIES TO DEFEND THIS COUNTRY FROM THESE TREASONOUS DOGS!!

  2. I m not over the killing of JFK, I experienced live, via radio while a 1st yr student off at college…Oh I don’t have tears…what Im not over is the principals that were so violently overthrown, right there of the moment….and what did our Gov do? smerked a little, glossed it over, covered it up, killed many more who were close to or in the know…and might acually tattle…and get the truth out…..
    And you are correct JD………..Correct….
    rbeason………US56639487…..draftee…Nam in country 1969

    1. Hi Rbeason,

      Yes,… there are many moments that can be declared as the Rubicon Moment when the Republic was effectively overthrown,.. but none are more glaring, public or demonstrative of the power of those behind the overthrow of the USA.

      The Crown-Jewel of the whole Kennedy assassination era,.. was having the “Investigative Report’s” Chairman, Earl Warrnen,.. a Supreme Court Chief Justice, orchestrate and sign off of on the report which which was produced to hide who really killed Kennedy,… and more importantly,.. why.

      This was the Official Seal Of Death of the Republic, for having a sitting Supreme Court Justice validate, support and sign off on this work of fiction, meant there was no avenue of recourse (the Supreme Court had “already reviewed” (PRODUCED,.. actually) the evidence contained therein..),.. and stated to the entire world,.. ESPECIALLY all the One-World Governance (NWO) Operatives,.. that the ENTIRE Judicial Branch, as well as the other branches of gov’t,.. where now in complete obeyance and fully subjugated to the will of the International Banksters.

      Until we exterminate the International Banksters and their henchmen,.. We The People,.. or the world,…. will never be free.

      JD – US Marines – To OUR country,…. Our mission is obvious, necassary, and will be fought with the strength of being morally right, while we avenge the wrongs that have been wrought upon us.

      Show not the shadow of mercy!,.. as they have had none against all those innocent millions,.. slaughtered so that they may slake their endless thirst for power and wealth.

      1. hi JD
        correct too….JD
        and for those whom may not realize, JFK’s son was also murdered……..the debris field left of his plane hitting the water, tells that….that field was much to wide to have a plane entering the water complete…it was blown out of the sky, via c2 or some such…….before landing upon the approach…….
        best to you JD

        1. I wanted to ask a question also, Jd………if you see this! What is to be made of JFK’s daughter Caroline being in bummers gov? I can’t imagine what she might have thought….can you?

          1. Hi Rbeason,

            Yeah,.. I remember when that was thrown up on the national plate of discourse.

            As to why?,.. good question.

            I can only figure she was offered something of substantial value,.. otherwise, why would any person allow themselves to used like that?

            Remember when JFK’s brains got turned into meat confetti by the Banksters (with the help of the CIA, Secret Service, FBI and so forth)?

            If you recall,… right afterwards, Linden Johnson (may he rot in hell for all eternity..) had himself sworn in,.. after dupping Robert Kennedy in a phone conversation about the transfer of power (where Johnson then announced to the world that Robert had TOLD Johnson he wanted him to immediately assume the Presidency!,.. which of course was NOT true!)

            And then, that bag of puke, Johnson,.. had himself sworn in, on the jet where Kenndy’s body was,,.. but NOT before, he got Jacklyn to come stand beside him for the PHOTO,… which Johnson knew would be preceived world wide as approval and support for Johnson to grab the reins of power immediately.

            In addition,.. since the Kennedy’s were viewed as something of America’s version of a “Royal Family” (they weren’t,… they just had plenty of noteriety because they were a good looking couple,.. with money…),.. this Aire-Apparent transfer of power,.. was annoited.

            Same with Caroline Kennedy,.. she was used for her historical value to “substantiate” Ocrapo’s ascent to power.

            It was stage craft of power politics,.. little more.

            That’s my perspective on the dynamics of why any such event with Caroline took place,.. as she, Caroline,.. in and of herself,.. is wholly useless.


  3. Up is down, in is out, black is white, and military are heroes for killing innocent people abroad so transnational criminal corporations can steal their national wealth.

  4. “After a few jokes, the president personally thanked the troops:

    To all of you, I’m here on a single mission, and that is to thank you for your extraordinary service. You’ve done an excellent job of protecting the poppy fields that those evil Taliban refused to allow to flourish. I thank you, your country thanks you, but most of all, the junkies of the world thank you.”

  5. No U.S. soldier or veteran did ANYTHING to grant me my rights and what once were freedoms. I will never thank any U.S. soldier or veteran for anything they’ve done. And that includes World War II vets.

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