The Dollar has lost 17% of its purchasing power in the last 3 years

One thought on “The Dollar has lost 17% of its purchasing power in the last 3 years

  1. I knew inflation was going to get nuts, but I didn’t know how it was going to feel, emotionally, I mean. I’m having to pass on some store items and do without. Even the farmer’s market is pretty high. I know my local farmers are struggling, too. And those grocery aisle conversations… It’s like we’re all wandering around the store but instead of shopping, the damn experience feels like rationing. I run into folks going through sticker-shock. Mom’s with little babies bemoaning the price of bread and other basics. Sometimes we share ways to stretch a meal. Sad, but still, a little bit of human bonding.

    Are they real? The stories out of Wiemar Germany and Zimbabwe, telling us it took a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread? And how far will they take it? I do not know, but I did hear the next Social Security increase will be very scant. Doesn’t look good. In fact, the only thing looking good is the people readying to take it all back, to fight for what’s ours.

    Inflate justice.


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