2 thoughts on “The Dorner Memorandum

  1. Christopher Dorner showed everyone what happens to a good cop that wants to rid the earth of the bad ones.The so called good cops were so worried they were even gunning down women in a pickup truck , Dorner only shot RATS,lying filthy RATS!

  2. I’m still curious as to whether there was even such a person as Chris Dorner or if he was just another Adam Lanza created person to justify police state. Why isn’t anyone talking about that?

    No one has ever seen him before or during the incident and no one actually saw him in the cabin that they burned down nor have they ever showed proof of the body or anything. It was all as staged as any other false flag and yet people even in the alternative media are making it out as though he and the incident were actually real. I don’t get it.

    Until someone can prove to me otherwise, I refuse to believe that this guy even existed or that anything ever actually happened other than a staged performance by the police state apparatus. It’s all bullshit.

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