The fact this guy and Larry Ellison, who is pushing digital ID and says AI surveillance will force us all to be on our “best behavior”, were platformed day 1 at the White House and the executive branch is touting their outsized role in US AI infrastructure should be major cause for concern.

By Whitney Webb

When the powers that be realized that many Americans would resist a “great reset”, they obviously noticed that most were expecting it from the public sector so now it’s implementation is going to come from the private, likely via public-private partnership. People misunderstand the WEF and what it does IMO, but it’s most obvious and overt goal as a group is facilitate digital transformation and the 4IR (ie the “great reset”) via the public-private partnership model.

Public-private partnerships do not beget a true free market, they beget crony capitalism and produce state adjacent corporate monopolies and quasi-monopolies.

Yet, expect that many of those “great reset” policy agendas to be marketed as “free merket/private sector innovation.” Expect some of the ind media figures who claimed to be against the “great reset” now support its very policies under different sales pitches.

Vigilance matters most when many vocal opponents to these agendas have been distracted and/or pacified.

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