The Fake Apple Watch From China

A fake China Apple Watch knockoff. (Screenshot/YouTube )Vision – by Troy Oaks

Where can you get a fake Apple Watch? Where else but China? Apple Watches aren’t even officially on sale yet, but China is already awash with clones.

At the Huaqiangbei electronics market in the southern city of Shenzhen, you can find these knockoffs. There even being sold nationwide via popular e-commerce websites.

The fakes have the same design and style of Apple’s (AAPL, Tech30) new offering, even down to the digital crown. With names like “A.I Watch” and “D-Watch,” they cost between 250 Yuan and 500 Yuan ($40 to $80).  

Most are running on an Android operating system, not iOS, that looks like an Apple interface. They even have the Apple-like icons on the home screen. But the price tag should help with identifying the real from the fake. The real ones will cost from $349 in the US.

a fake Apple Watch Image: Screenshot You/Tube

The availability of the knockoffs shows the speed at which the Chinese shanzhai, or counterfeiters, bring fakes to market.

In this case, their products are on the street before Apple has released theirs.

“These guys are specialists,” said Laurent Le Pen, the CEO of smartwatch maker Omate, which is based in Shenzhen. “The speed at which they can bring copies on the market is amazing.”

“The Apple Watch is a prime target the first few copycat watches will be rough imitations,” he said “but as counterfeiters hone their design, they will get closer and closer to the real thing”.

“The hardware is not the big challenge—the hard part is on the software and the application side,” he said. “In the end, you sometimes need to be an expert to tell the difference between real and fake.”

The day of fakes has only just began.

5 thoughts on “The Fake Apple Watch From China

  1. This entire article is nothing but shinfo. China has been selling these watches for a few years now. Just not in the United States.
    What Apple is doing is taking someone else’s product, copying it, claiming the original product is a counterfeit and jacking the price way up to rip people off. And since all of Apples products are made in China anyways…it basically the same damn product. Americans will just pay a truckload more for it.
    I can almost feel the jewness through the computer screen.

    1. I was going to post the same exact thing! And to think some idiot will pay $10,000+ for the high end product. At least I will be able to spot a d bag from a mile away. LOL

  2. Here’s a novel idea: how about take the clock from your cell phone, shrink it, and put a wrist band on it and wear it on your wrist and charge hundreds of dollars for it?

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