The Pentagon is deploying two carrier strike groups, eleven Burke-class destroyers, a number of Ticonderoga-class cruisers, amphibious assault ships, THAAD and Patriot missile defense systems, multiple squadrons of fighter jets, strategic bombers, and undisclosed assets to the Middle East.

9 thoughts on “The Pentagon is deploying two carrier strike groups, eleven Burke-class destroyers, a number of Ticonderoga-class cruisers, amphibious assault ships, THAAD and Patriot missile defense systems, multiple squadrons of fighter jets, strategic bombers, and undisclosed assets to the Middle East.

    1. Oh I truly hope someone drops this asshole in the middle of a battle so he can die a slow agonizing death for his Zio-masters.

      1. My friend said:

        “It is a tactic to make people agree at the outset… You must accept our criminal wars for what they are. Once you accept we can proceed to the next window, the payment window.”


  1. Just nuke Israhell and this clusterfukc ends, and the joo’s will appreciate the economic savings, cost savings to not have a war so the U.S. can go home and the world can calm down and the Joo’s won’t be starting shit with any body else in the future. It’s just common sense and big savings in U.S. money troops and equipment.

  2. There’s a divide on the coverage as to whether these wars will expand into what they call a World War. Some say they will not; others claim they definitely will. For myself, WWIII is already in full swing and has been for a very long time. The details of the orchestrations and parties involved are window-dressing. How much suffering do we have to see and endure before we declare THAT WAR is here? Are we waiting for paperwork?

    As for the sending of US ships… my friend wrote:

    “They fully know the ships are sitting ducks. ‘Hit me please so we can retaliate and defend America.’ Plus they need war with Iran to demolish Al Aqsa and claim it was Iran that did it.”

    Then they bring us this tool for reeling us in:

    …but, and to coin a word, The People of The Bill of Rights are UNREELABLE.


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