5 thoughts on “The Story of the Bill of Rights

  1. The Bill of Rights, absolutely essential to our national character.

    It was not written in legalese because it came from the people.

    Great post!

    1. Yeah, I knew it wasn’t perfect, Katie, but it was still a wonderful presentation, almost perfect. And very clearly stated. I certainly got a deeper understanding. And I saw in some of the commentators faces, a real love of The Bill of Rights and and understanding of its epic importance.

      Sometimes I envision a Million Man Bill of Rights March, right there in D.C. Really though, it would be more like 10 million.

      Gee, I wonder whom I’d like to see lead the march. Hmmmm….



  2. Katie, I think what it is, is that we look for morsels of hope, and they gave some of those here, appealing to our emotions. I did catch when they quickly inserted the 14th and misrepresented its purpose, but I did not see how the whole thing was a manipulation to sell that and keep our eyes off the original Bill of Rights, especially the 9th. Today’s broadcast really brought it all into focus.


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