The Tenth Man

Published on Jan 3, 2015 by RADIOMYSTERIUM “Skeptic” is often a misnomer for those that try to debunk the truth movement and alternative media. The true Skeptic challenges the official story.

Much like the tenth man in World War Z, our job is to challenge the status quo in our search for truth and freedom.

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This documentary short is also a tribute to the artistic excellence of “I Pet Goat 2” by Heliofant. Brilliant work mates and thank you!…

3 thoughts on “The Tenth Man

  1. The bodies found buried in the basement of a house that Ben Franklin was living in were most likely the result of anatomy studies on the bodies of the dead. At the time it was illegal to dissect a human. The bones had saw marks, drill holes and scalpel marks on them. It wasn’t Ben Franklin, but the landlords nephew a Dr. Hewson who would have found the location ideal. I wouldn’t be surprised if Franklin new about it, being a scientist himself but the video chose to use the info to paint some dark image of Franklin.

  2. This is a very good short vid…something those with short attention spans could grasp…maybe. Those not seeking the truth will not read or watch Anything of length. Even the novices at truth seeking tend not to delve into lengthy articles or videos. Gotta keep it short and sweet, and full of meat. Which is very hard to do, but I applaud those who try and my hat’s off to the creator of this vid.
    As for the above comment on Franklin…on the basis of evidence, I certainly could not convict him; however, judging solely by the “nature of the beast,” one would have to conclude that he at least knew what was going on. He Was a scientist, after all, with some medical expertise. Of course, Anyone with an inquisitive mind is a scientist. We tend to study that which intrigues us. To what extent depends on our resources, as well as ethics.
    Take the study of pain, for instance…do you not find it curious just how the medical/pharmaceutical industry determines how much pain an individual can or will tolerate? Or, how much medication to administer in order to keep pain at bay, or kill it altogether? Somewhere, Someone had to experiment on humans in order to come to their conclusions. They could not use cadavers. They needed live subjects. Did they just wait around til someone in pain came to them, or…did they inflict pain on SOMEONE to reach their calculations?
    Look at Dr. Frankenstein…he resorted to killing in order to complete his masterpiece. I realize that most of the literary world thinks that “Dr. Frankenstein” is just a fictional character, but, I believe him to be a representation of the majority of medical/pharmaceutical scientists. And, not just limited to the medical/pharmaceutical industry…does the phrase, “For the greater good” ring any bells???
    As for the topic of this video, I believe you will find that the Biblical scripture 1 Thessalonians 5:21 supports “The Tenth Man.”

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