5 thoughts on “The Vladimir Putin Interview

  1. Just read the following at Makow’s site:

    “The interview contains no references to the WEF, Klaws Swab, the Plandemic, Agenda 2030, toxic vaccines or lockdowns. No references to the fact that Satanist Jews run the show in Washington and Kiev. Russia looks good but is part of a charade designed to justify WW3. Tucker didn’t raise any of these pressing questions, and especially… The most shocking thing about the interview, No mention of Gaza-Israel/ US-Iran wars. … Putin talks about the hostility of the US without mentioning the Jewish NeoCon element.”


    1. So how does a reporter get an exclusive interview with a foreign head of state? He does if he’s part of the state and serving its objectives. I’ll call the interview Deception by Avoidance. Any politician or journalist not screaming about the Gaza genocide is an enemy of the people. And any politician or journalist not screaming about enforcing The Bill of Rights is an oppressor of the people. We move them out of the way and real freedom has its day in the sun. Maybe I’ll interview FREEDOM ITSELF!! “Hey Freedom, where you been?” Stillness, and a sigh. “Well child, I’ve always been here. You just didn’t welcome me in. Glad you’re comin’ around.


  2. And in case it was missed by anyone who watched this… at 46:15 minutes in, Putin essentially outs Tucker, “Yes, the CIA, an organization you wanted to join, good thing they didn’t take you”.. paraphrased…

    Since we are all aware of Mockingbird, it’s very safe to say, “They” did take him and that’s why he is where he was/is…! to me that is the biggest take on this interview…..and yeah Putin is NWO too…duh.

    1. Bingo! ALL top media “personalities” are CIA. “Different” “networks” are ALL part of the same network just like “different” political “parties” are ALL invited to the big party & ALL party to the same agenda. Awakening finally happens when people stop falling for the deception that is this big net that is designed to catch them & hold them in this childlike state of “belief”. NOBODY in media & politics has your back. EVERYBODY in media & politics is the enemy. Fight or die!

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