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Archive: TWFTT 8-23-22
90 sunny
“Members of the media-monetary-military-congressional complex are immoral and have an allergy to the truth.”
— Ilana Mercer
“The media have been tireless in their efforts to suppress the truth about the gangster state.”
— Michael Pare
“The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent…”
— Malcolm X
A cold shower is just that.
Turning the lever with the C.
Doesn’t matter if it’s H so’s long as there’s no heat in the water heater.
Adding hot to cold to take off the edge is not a cold shower.
I’ve seen a park ranger bathing in Lake Superior…
That sh!t is in the mid thirties during June, dude!
Is it okay to use a loofa?