The Word From the Trenches – July 28, 2021

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Archive: TWFTT 7-28-21

One thought on “The Word From the Trenches – July 28, 2021

  1. Tid-bit on those who usurped the uprising:

    The Rise and Fall of the Powdered Wig – excerpt:

    So, who wore wigs? More importantly, who didn’t wear them?

    Good question! British colonial governors more than likely wore wigs, and many portraits of early American political discussions feature rooms of men, many with white hair, commonly assumed to be wigs. Before the American Revolution this was likely, although given the association of wigs with nobility, it’s likely that not all patriots depicted with white hair were wearing wigs.

    Despite common misconceptions, George Washington never actually wore a wig. He was one of five Presidents who was a red-head, and he powdered his hair white, as white hair was still considered extremely fashionable, and a sign of wealth and knowledge. However, the next four Presidents, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and James Monroe did indeed wear wigs. …

    According to Revolutionary War Journal, “perukes were hot and heavy, extremely expensive, and constantly infected with bugs,” which is not ideal for military use.


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