The Word From the Trenches – June 14, 2021

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Archive: TWFTT 6-14-21

8 thoughts on “The Word From the Trenches – June 14, 2021

  1. I lost connection after Henry said we had no issue with Germany. I guess the Internet at Henry and Laura’s place is down again.

    Update, I’m back on using the voIP system.

  2. Whoever is fking with Henry’s internet. Go fk yourself. I thought that new cable they ran would give you a better connection? I guess not.

  3. Thank You Henry.. it really is just a naa nanny boo boo.. right in our face. they do what they want.. I thought the same thing you was saying.. i just needed verification. if we keep doing what we’re doing.. we’re gonna keep getting what we’re getting.. i really don’t know what it’s gonna take for people to quit participating.. quit thinking there will be justice when time after countless time we see things like this judge.. if they’re allowed to just Willy Nilly say No.. then it’s way passed high time we say NO.. I have been saying no for about 6yrs now.. ever since I got arrested for FAILURE TO OBEY!! that makes my fukin skin crawl just repeating it!! Thanks again.

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