The Word From the Trenches – March 11, 2021

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Archive: TWFTT 3-11-21

13 thoughts on “The Word From the Trenches – March 11, 2021

        1. LOL.
          THEM BASS TURDS!!!

          I couldn’t get internet through the phone, or as a hot spot until after Henry’s report.

      1. Yeah, flooding on two other islands. Rainy here but no damage. There’s a saying here: “If you don’t like the weather, just wait 10 minutes.” Ha! It’s true. The storms roll in and roll out. Then glorious sun. Come visit Misty, if and when we can get around test and jab. Hey, never mind “if”. Free travel on the horizon – a natural right!!



  1. Joe Biden promised truth but delivered bullsh*t and coercion, and dressed them all up in a communist pie, with the tossing of dollars in our direction. PROPITIATION!! But I ain’t propitiated. My eyes see lies.

    Oh man, I knew his speech tonight was gonna be bad, I just didn’t expect it to be that bad. It was like a hypnotism of tyranny, his soft voice promising victory through vaccine. Vaccine, vaccine, vaccine – elevated and upheld, like a frikkin’ second coming. And he points to the 4th of July where apparently we’ll all be hugging.

    It’s always just out of reach, ain’t it? There over the distant horizon, the promise of freedom. But really, it’s here now, this very moment, here for those who refuse to be owned. It’s freedom in The Trenches!! Every day!! Sure, there’s debris to clear away, but nobody ever said freedom was without work.


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