9 thoughts on “The Word From the Trenches – September 6, 2018

    1. I guess what I’m trying to ask is, does any international edict have any impact on American Nationals? Just curious.


    2. Oh, absolutely. That was an enemy combatant abusing a civilian, as he had no authority recognized within the borders of the united States of these Americas. The Bill of Right is peace. When the peace is removed, it is war.
      This girl was treated inhumanly by a force attempting to occupy a sovereign country, and that is an act of war. But it is worse than that because he is an American. It is an act of treason during a time of war, punishable by death by a militia military tribunal on the battlefield, which this country has become.

      1. Thanks, Henry. Then in a sense, any infringement is a war crime.

        And to make matters so much worse, that young girl was so petite and skinny. Horrible abuse!


  1. Thank you Henry, another great broadcast! I’d never heard the term, “head CEO of the church” when they become 501(c)3’s. Wow, what a concept!

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