Tick, Tick, Talk, 2019 Recession Coming

The Great Recession

The 2018 stock market crash is now a fait accompli, having taken a polar bear plunge that put ice in the veins of the Fed and electrified their collective spine with such a deep chill they ran like a fat walrus from the bear market to halt their long-nurtured plans of economic tightening. With that event fulfilled, I’m now predicting a 2019 recession as the major economic news for this year (both US and global). 

To confirm my bearish claim on the market’s crash:

Several leading stock market indexes around the globe endured bear market declines in 2018. In the U.S. in December, the small cap Russell 2000 Index (RUT) bottomed out 27.2% below its prior high. The widely-followed U.S. large cap barometer, the S&P 500 Index (SPX), just missed entering bear market territory, halting its decline 19.8% below its high.


But the Dow fell completely into bear territory and the NASDAQ even further into the bear’s territory. Even the S&P hit an intraday low that was 20% down, so it’s stop right at the edge by the end of the day is nothing but a rounding error.

In terms of real cost, anyone who scoffed at my 2018 warnings and held their stocks through 2018 is still recovering from his or her losses. That we have only just this week recovered those losses is quite easily proven with one simple graph of 2018 where the breakdown begins in January where I said it would and hits full crash velocity in the fall:

Read the rest here: The Great Recession

One thought on “Tick, Tick, Talk, 2019 Recession Coming

  1. “In terms of real cost, anyone who scoffed at my 2018 warnings and held their stocks through 2018 is still recovering from his or her losses.”

    In terms of MY reality… the stock market is just another jew scam to add to THEIR mountains of gold, and anyone investing ANY mammon in it is a fool (who is soon parted from said mammon).

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