It’s Time To Break Free – July 19, 2017

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Archive: ITTBF 7-19-17

11 thoughts on “It’s Time To Break Free – July 19, 2017

  1. ok…I turned my sound off…I do not see the necessity of talking about this shit…the monsters must be killed.

  2. Great advice from the mother saying she wished she’d not have had rose colored glasses on when she got married. Not a thing wrong with marrying young, actually, imo, it’s a good thing, just teach your children well parents.
    Guard your children well, like a hawk, that is your responsibility, regardless of what people say, they won’t be there if something were to happen to them.

  3. Most people don’t know that picture. Is it NOT the Georgia Guidestones? The suppression of technology in particular cold fusion is keeping all of humanity hopeless hungry and ignorant. Researcher Antony Sutton figured it out years ago and this week I found out about the Farewell Dossier proving Russia had never really been a threat…They relied on stealing secrets from the West rather than developing them on their own. There really is a military industrial complex run by the elusive dare not speak above a whisper Deep State.

    1. It is the Guidstones, and I show it to everyone I can, its a good seed to plant in peoples heads, when one understands that population control is at the center of what we are seeing on the world stage everything starts to make sense.

  4. Well in japan…
    They don’t have..”R’s”…

    Your show would be pronounced..

    “It’s Time To Blake Flee.”

    Pretty clever huh…?


  5. although i haven’t had the privilege yet Mr.rock, i look forward to listening in soon…………… KOYOTE.

    1. This show was about sexual misconduct in public school and pedophilia, yesterdays was alcohol as a fuel and energy solutions.

          1. Koyote, David’s archived broadcasts are with Henry’s under Patriot Broadcast Archives at top of website page. Same place the archives have always been, just now, David’s are intermingled.

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