Tiny homes village for the homeless people in echo park downtown Los Angeles

May 1, 2021
Today I went to North Hollywood to the biggest tiny houses village for homeless people in CaliforniaI visited the Alexandria village,Hope of the Valley Village and I went to the new tiny home village in Echo Park in downtown Los Angeles

6 thoughts on “Tiny homes village for the homeless people in echo park downtown Los Angeles

  1. So, in your open air prison, you get an 8×8 ft “cell”, 3 meals a day and a curfew, nice! You will own nothing and you will like it!!!

    1. And disarmed, to boot.

      So kill more American enterprise, flood in more foreign workers, give out free money, spread fear and poison, then deal with a population that is so in need, it will do whatever you say.


  2. I agree with Bill, this is nothing but an open-air prison. Meanwhile the millionaires and billionaires continue to steal our resources hand over fist, while their paid politicians continue to pump foreigners into the country like raw sewage into a cesspool.

    ” If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.” ~ Thomas Jefferson

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