Trump fires back at Pelosi: ‘We’re soon going to have a one-party system’

Yahoo News

After House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi slammed him in an interview over the weekend, President Trump responded by accusing her of undermining the Democratic Party. He even suggested that Democrats would end up becoming irrelevant.

In a “Fox & Friends” interview that aired Tuesday ahead of his address to a joint session of Congress, Trump branded Pelosi “incompetent” and said she’s “done a terrible job” as a party leader.  

“You know, if you look at what’s going on with the Democrats and the party, it’s getting smaller and smaller,” Trump said.

“You know, in a certain way, I hate to see it, because I like a two-party system and we’re soon going to have a one-party system. I actually think a two-party system is healthy and good. But she’s done a terrible job.”

Pelosi drew the ire of the president for her comments on ABC’s “This Week,” where she called Trump the “deflector in chief,” arguing that some of his more attention-grabbing maneuvers were a distraction from the absence of a jobs-creating infrastructure plan.

Listing the accomplishments of former President Barack Obama’s first weeks in office, Pelosi said, “What has the Trump administration done from their inaugural address, where they talked about decay and carnage? They’ve done nothing except put Wall Street first, make America sick again, instill fear in our immigrant population in our country, and make sure that Russia maintains its grip on our foreign policy.”

After Trump’s interview aired, Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill provided a statement to Fox News reiterating the congresswoman’s criticisms.

“As Leader Pelosi stated yesterday, this president came into office promising bold action on jobs. Forty days later, the American people see nothing but a squandered four weeks in which this president has done nothing but instill fear. In classic fashion, the president is projecting his incompetence onto others. Instead of calling people names, President Trump should focus on how he’s going to grow the American economy and live up to the promises he’s made to the American people.”

3 thoughts on “Trump fires back at Pelosi: ‘We’re soon going to have a one-party system’

  1. We’ve had a de facto one-party system in this country for decades, as the Republicans and Democrats are basically two wings of the same party.

    Of course there are other political parties in existence, but they are deliberately marginalized by the system itself.

  2. My Fellow Americans:

    WE ALREADY HAVE A ONE PARTY SYSTEM!!!!,… IT’S CALLED,.. ZIONISM! (Yeaaaaa!!!!!,… people clapping and cheering at their own enslavement,…. balloons and confetti falling from the ceiling,… and an announcer in the background with a Zionist-jew whine to his voice,… “than yew!,.. than yew all!,…. than yew goim!!!…..)

    JD – Want proof of the Zionist-Jew-Communist one party system?…. just reach in your pocket and pull out one of their trade mark emblems,… the Zionist-jew certificate of enslavement dollar.


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