Trump issues warning to Hamas to release the hostages: “We want our hostages back. And they better be back before I assume office, or you will be paying a very big price.”

One thought on “Trump issues warning to Hamas to release the hostages: “We want our hostages back. And they better be back before I assume office, or you will be paying a very big price.”

  1. Well it looks like the Zionists reason why they did this fake assassination attempt on Trump was to push everyone to think he’s “America’s Savior” while at the same time he’s the perfect puppet for them to invest in their continued war in the Middle East, as Biden was losing ground for them and had no support. (A mere shifting of alliances, as always)

    Now with Trump in office, they’ll have full support (since the Zionists practically made him their Messiah) because they think the Trumptards will support him no matter what he does. What they fail to realize is that many of the Trumptards are anti-Israel and are slowly finding out about this and are distancing themselves from Trump more and more each day as they are realizing he’s not the person they thought he was.

    The RNC was nothing more than a Zionist pep rally under the guise of a political campaign rally as they cheered Israel First and said nothing about America.

    His presidency will be a re-positioning of troops from Ukraine to the Occupied State of Palestine to go to war with Iran and Yemen as the narrative has already been put into place that the shooter had encrypted ties to Iran. Took them long enough to come up with that story.

    See here:

    How convenient! Three months out from election…this bullshit narrative gives cover for a whole host of events.

    In the meantime, Trump will use mass deportations to piss off all the illegals that Biden and company brought in, thus causing a civil war to fully break out and Trump will then pass a few more gun laws under the guise of healing and protecting America and will use his fake assassination attempt as an excuse to play the psychological guilt trip card on the people.

    The elite are getting so predictable.

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