TX Lt. Gov Patrick: The NRA ‘Needs to Get Behind’ Trump on Private Sales Between Strangers

Breitbart – by Ian Hatchet

During an interview with the Fox News Channel on Monday, Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick (R) stated that a “strong look” should be taken at preventing people who have failed background checks from getting a gun and stated that private purchases between strangers are “a real loophole in the law, and I think the NRA needs to get behind the president on that issue and really address that issue.” 

Patrick said, “I think one of the things, Jon, we have to do in this country is, take a strong look at this ability for people to buy a weapon when they’ve been turned down by a background check. … I believe, as a supporter of the 2nd Amendment, we should protect that family transfer or family sale. But any stranger-to-stranger, however — we don’t know how this person got their gun, but we do know that that’s a real loophole in the law, and I think the NRA needs to get behind the president on that issue and really address that issue. Because I’m a gun owner, I’m never going to sell my gun to someone I don’t know that — do they have a criminal record, are they a danger to other people, are they ready to commit evil? There’s no need for that.”

He added, “I don’t think we should have strangers selling to strangers, and that’s a loophole we can close.”

Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett

See video here: https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2019/09/02/tx-lt-gov-patrick-the-nra-needs-to-get-behind-trump-on-private-sales-between-strangers/

3 thoughts on “TX Lt. Gov Patrick: The NRA ‘Needs to Get Behind’ Trump on Private Sales Between Strangers

  1. This is all about creating a registry. Remember these people are at war with you and your individual rights whether you realize it or not.

  2. He added, “I don’t think we should have strangers selling to strangers, and that’s a loophole we can close.”
    Question, just how is it you suggest closing this supposed loophole of private sales of guns from stranger to stranger? How would you know when a transaction was going down? Who would be watching, and when? Aren’t there already so-called “laws” against such things? Again I ask, how would you know when and where to stop these trades? I think people can see my point. And this comes from people who say they support the 2nd amendment. Shall not be infringed means just that. Period. 0 compromise

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