U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz To Renounce Canadian Citizenship

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas speaks about immigration during a march near Capitol Hill in July.NPR – by DOREEN MCCALLISTER

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas has been mentioned as a possible presidential candidate in the 2016 election.

To run for president, the Constitution says a candidate must be a “natural born” U.S. citizen.  

The Dallas Morning News reported Cruz holds dual U.S. and Canadian citizenship.

The Constitution doesn’t mention dual citizenship.

Amid concerns that being born in Canada could derail a possible presidential bid, Cruz released his birth certificate to the paper.

It shows Cruz was born in Calgary, Alberta, on Dec. 22, 1970. His mother was born in the U.S. and his father was a native of Cuba.

In a statement released Monday night, Cruz says, “Because my mother was a U.S. citizen, born in Delaware, I was a U.S. citizen by birth. When I was a kid, my Mom told me that I could choose to claim Canadian citizenship if I wanted. I got my U.S. passport in high school.”

In the statement, Cruz, a Tea Party favorite, announced plans that he would renounce his Canadian citizenship.

President Barack Obama in 2011 released a copy of his birth certificate confirming his birth in Hawaii. He was born to an American mother and Kenyan father, and faced sharp criticism from some conservatives who claimed he wasn’t an American citizen.


3 thoughts on “U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz To Renounce Canadian Citizenship

    1. Bullshit. He was born in the Commonwealth of Canada. He is a subject of the Queen of England. He is NOT a “natural” born citizen of the United States. And as a dual citizen, holding two passports, it is sedition that he is a Senator of these United States.
      What does that PR stand for? Public Relations? Who the f$#k are your working for?

  1. “In a statement released Monday night, Cruz says, “Because my mother was a U.S. citizen, born in Delaware, I was a U.S. citizen by birth. When I was a kid, my Mom told me that I could choose to claim Canadian citizenship if I wanted. I got my U.S. passport in high school.””

    BAHAHAAHAHAHAA!!! OMG! How did this guy even pass the 3rd grade?

    Umm…..It’s not rocket science, people. He came out of his mother’s womb in Canada. That makes him a Canadian National. He is not a naturalized and was most certainly NOT born in America regardless of his parents place of birth, so therefore he is most certainly, without any doubt whatsoever, INELIGIBLE to be president of the United States. PERIOD!

    Let me put it this way, if my father was born in Italy and came to the U.S., does that make me eligible to be president of Italy even though I was born in America? Does that make me an Italian citizen by birth? HELLLLLL NO!!!

    PR, take your damn shit elsewhere, you dumbass! It’s stupidity from people like you that makes me wonder how this country or world is still surviving.

    This is more bullshit designed to twist and destroy the Constitution. If he becomes president then they can then go back and try and justify Obama as president and so on. It’s called the Communist way of finding a way to make the illegal legal and the unconstitutional Constitutional. The rewriting of laws, history and education right before our very eyes to socially warp and justify the elites need and actions for Global government and control.

    I can’t believe people are this stupid in this country to not do anything about it or even hang all of these traitors for high treason. It’s just absolutely despicable!

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