UK Authorities Now Arresting People For Posting “Inaccurate Information” On Social Media

By TYLER DURDEN – Zerohedge

Authorities in the UK are now arresting people for posting “inaccurate information” on social media, according to a new report.

Sky News reports that a woman has been arrested by Cheshire Police for posting “inaccurate information on social media” about the attacker who stabbed three girls to death in Southport last week.

The 55-year-old woman was arrested near the northern town of Chester on “suspicion of publishing written material to stir up racial hatred and false communications.”

Chief Superintendent Allison Ross gave a statement explaining how the post is alleged to have “fueled” the protests and riots in the UK over the last week, which she asserts started as a result of “malicious and inaccurate communications online.”

Ross said the arrest was a warning to others about “the dangers of posting information on social media platforms without checking the accuracy” and that “we are all accountable for our actions.”

UK police are now arresting people for being wrong on the Internet. Let that sink in.

Presumably, the woman will now be thrown in prison along with people who attended the protests, such as Steven Mailen, who has been jailed for 26 months for “shouting” at police officers.

As we highlighted earlier, head of the Met Police Sir Mark Rowley warned that “keyboard warriors” could be hit with terrorism charges for inciting riots online, even if they are living abroad.

Brits have also been warned that merely retweeting information about the riots could lead to criminal charges.

Stephen Parkinson, the Director of Public Prosecutions, told Sky News that people do not even need to personally post the content themselves to be deemed to be committing an offence.

Parkinson said social media users could be guilty of “incitement to racial hatred” if they post “insulting or abusive” content that is “likely to stir up racial hatred.”

3 thoughts on “UK Authorities Now Arresting People For Posting “Inaccurate Information” On Social Media

  1. I have tried to figure this out: What is the actual divide between those who clearly see the burgeoning tyranny and those who simply do not? Could it be that the seers are those who opened their minds either through substance, or spirituality, or study? Could it simply be upbringing? Could it be comfort levels, allowing some the luxury of not having to look or see? Why is it, some see and some do not? All of the above, and then some? And there are also those who are just too exhausted, overworked, underpaid, and those struggling with homelessness or illness, all of whom haven’t the energy to look. For them it’s enough to just stay alive. I got my eye on the “Comfort-Zone People.” How long before the rug is pulled out from under them, too?


    1. I always had the same questions growing up galen. Many years ago by chance I read a person’s comment that got me going back & checking with everyone I knew who was a “seer”. That person said it became very clear to her when something happened that changed her because it happened to her when she was an adult & the change was dramatic. She said that before the event she was just an “everyday normal person” who went about her life doing what everyone else did not rocking the boat or questioning too much. After the event she said it was like her eyes were suddenly open to the reality of the world. Numerous people responded to her comment, some with similar experiences & some like me who said they’d never really put 2 & 2 together in that way before as they had had the event happen to them when they were very young so were not conscious of a “change” to their life.

      This “event” that everyone discussing this issue was referring to was a near-death experience. My own experience happened when I was an infant & I was apparently “dead” for a short period before being brought back. Of my 2 siblings only 1 really shares my “insight”. That sibling nearly drowned to death when he was 7 or 8. He was rescued by a slightly older child but stopped breathing. He was brought back by ambulance officers on the way to the hospital. On further investigation over the years nearly every single person I have checked with who was a “seer” has had a near-death experience either knowingly or when they were too young to be consciously aware or remember (some of them had to go & check this for themselves only to realize this had happened to them too!).

      I’m not saying that in order to have this “insight” or “gift” you HAVE TO undergo a similar experience but I found the whole exercise of researching this aspect VERY interesting indeed! To add, my own family, at least on my mother’s side, is from a celtic bloodline that ended up in Britain many centuries ago & has a very long history of deeply spiritual people (pre-christian) & many “witches” who were tortured, burned & murdered by christian converts for being “too close to Nature/Satan” or “cavorting with the devil”!

      1. Nate, that is most interesting. I guess a near-death experience can bring people so close to their true nature that they can no longer entertain a lie and now simply see clearly. It just may be a capability we all had at one time but it got dimmed down in the destructive and chaotic nature of current so-called civilization. I hear we had many talents before we got tampered with, such as night-vision, like some animals have. Also, the ability to discern True North and the four major directions just by standing in place with eyes closed. We were kind of magical. Well, television has played no small role in all this, I’m sure. Thank you for sharing your story on this. Certainly interesting and rings true.


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