Ukraine Resorts To Drafting Physically & Mentally Disabled Men

By Niamh Harris – The People’s Voice

Ukraine Zelensky

Footage has emerged showing a mentally retarded man within the ranks of the Ukrainian military after the country abolished its ‘fit for limited military service‘ requirement.

As potential Ukrainian military candidates continue to flee to freedom despite calls for them to return and fight, the number of potential fighters has become smaller, younger and less sophisticated….to the point of retardation.

InfoWars reports: While the notion of drafting retarded individuals may sound insane and abusive, just 8 percent of Ukrainian citizens are willing to take up arms against Russia, and with poll numbers like that it makes more sense why the Zelensky regime would be attracted to soldiers who cannot grasp the concept of death.

The nation also recently lowered its conscription age from 27 to 25 in a bid to replace the dwindling fighting force in its ongoing war against Russia.

The shortage of able-bodied, able-minded men has gotten so severe that entire towns are devoid of men and teams of conscription officers are kidnapping 14 year old boys in an attempt to fill the ranks.

Ukraine has at least a number of teenagers enlisted in their fighting force, and has also been conscripting senior citizens for military service, and is also considering drafting women too.

The U.S. has previously sought to force women to register for the draft, and Ron Paul has warned about this potential in 2020. Denmark is actively seeking to draft women.

While mental retardation has long been viewed by societies as an insurmountable hurtle for positions of responsibility over complex systems, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) programs are now seeking the mentally retarded for those very positions, such as at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

One thought on “Ukraine Resorts To Drafting Physically & Mentally Disabled Men

  1. What horror happens when the devil is at the helm, the jewish devil. So now they’re drafting the “retarded” and elderly, and “kidnapping 14 year old boys in an attempt to fill the ranks.” All this while they steal from us to pay for it. And yesterday, for a head of organic lettuce I was charged $5.50. Well, we do need the money for genocide here and there, don’t we?

    When will the people of the world rise to take their world back, salvage what’s left and start again? Every day we hear it asked: When? When?


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