UN Continues To Push Countries To Open Up Borders For Unrestricted Migration

Technocracy News and Trends

UN migration champion Peter Sutherland is dead, but the UN continues to lever open borders to let the migration invasion continue. This is not surprising considering the overwhelming influence held at the UN by Islamic nations who are supplying the ‘migrants’ to Europe and elsewhere. Ultimately, the UN wants to achieve a borderless world with no migration restrictions. ⁃ TN Editor

Governments that crack down on migrants are only harming themselves, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned Thursday ahead of UN talks on a global response to migration boycotted by the United States.

Guterres presented a report to the General Assembly on ways to address the plight of the 258 million international migrants, some of whom are trapped in legal limbo.

“Authorities that erect major obstacles to migration – or place severe restrictions on migrants’ work opportunities – inflict needless economic self-harm,” Guterres said.

“They impose barriers to having their labor needs met in an orderly, legal fashion.”

“Worse still, they unintentionally encourage illegal migration,” he said.

President Donald Trump’s administration is threatening to deport thousands of immigrants who came to the United States illegally as children and were allowed to stay under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which Trump has since scrapped.

UN member-states will next month open negotiations on a global compact for migration that would encourage governments to offer more legal venues for migrants, but the United States will not be at the table.

US Ambassador Nikki Haley cited concerns over sovereignty, saying “our decisions on immigration policies must always be made by Americans and Americans alone”, even though the document is non-binding.

Calls for stronger cooperation to address migration followed the 2015 refugee and migrant crisis in Europe, when countries were overwhelmed by the flow from Syria and Libya.

The total number of international migrants has grown by 49 percent since 2000 and now represents 3.4 percent of the world’s population, according to the United Nations.

Read full story here…


3 thoughts on “UN Continues To Push Countries To Open Up Borders For Unrestricted Migration

  1. Well, there you go, UN member states pressured to open up, why are we members?????Why isn’t Russia a member anymore?????

    The plan is to let member nations open up and just let people mozy on through like a day in the fkg park. Pretty much like they are doing right now.

    Can you say, “bullshit”?

    Why should Americans pay 155 billion a year just to make sure illegal immigrants are better off than American Citizens???

    That is the fkg question isn’t it??? Nancy Pelosi you fkg commie ass bitch!

    Hell, you put up a fkg wall, or a fence, we would be hampering all that cocaine and heroin traffic right? Cant have that! How the hell would America ever survive?? How would Hollywood ever survive??

    O hell no!

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