University police “heroes” use drones to spy on concertgoers


Bard College’s Center for the Study of the Drones released a report about law enforcement acquiring drones and what they found is troubling.

The report claims that at least 910 public safety agencies across the country are using drones.  

“In this update to the Center for the Study of the Drone’s database of public safety agencies with drones, we estimate that at least 910 state and local police, sheriff, fire, and emergency services agencies in the U.S. have acquired drones.”

According to the report, law enforcement agencies make up the majority of drone acquisitions.

“Of the 910 public safety agencies in our dataset, 302 are sheriff or county police (33 percent), 278 are municipal police (30 percent), 186 are municipal and county fire or EMS (20 percent), 107 are municipal and county emergency management and public safety agencies (12 percent), and 37 are statewide public safety agencies such as highway patrol and fire marshall (4 percent). Some city, county, and state public safety agencies have acquired drones for use by multiple different agencies.”

Bard’s report also revealed another disturbing trend, colleges and university police are also purchasing drones.

At least eight university police departments have acquired UAV drones.

  1. Cal State Monterey University Police Department
  2. University of Alabama in Huntsville Police Department
  3. Colorado State University Police Department
  4. New Mexico State University Police Department
  5. Lehigh University Police Department
  6. Ohio University Police Department
  7. Lorain County Community College Police Department
  8. San Diego State University Police Department

Expect those numbers to increase as more universities apply for Homeland Security’s UAV grant program.

University police use drones to spy on concertgoers


The San Diego State University Police Department claims they need drones to monitor people attending outdoor concert events.

The university police department uses a mobile command vehicle to launch their surveillance drones and also uses license plate readers to track vehicles. (To learn more about their mobile command vehicle click here.)

Why do university police need license plate readers, drones and a command vehicle?

“Because of the new threats that have arisen as a result of what happened in Las Vegas and with Ariana Grande, we have to have more officers assigned, regardless of who the performer is,” said San Diego State University Police Chief Josh Mays.

There it is, law enforcement’s mantra being used over and over again. Police need this spy gear to keep the public safe.

Good luck trying to find out which university police department has purchased a drone. Most university police departments can and do ignore FOIA requests.(Click herehere & here to learn more.)

With all the secrecy surrounding university police department surveillance acquisitions should we be concerned?

I highly recommend watching the UC Los Angeles police department’s recruitment video explaining where police “heroes” come from?

University Police “Where Heroes Arise”


Does it make you feel safer knowing university police “heroes” are using UAV’s to spy on everyone?

Have you ever wondered how many colleges and universities are working with DHS?

What if I told you that nearly every single one of them is.

A fifteen page letter from the American Council on Education to DHS Secretary John Kelly revealed that “our colleges and universities have been partners with the Department of Homeland Security in protecting our country since the agency’s creation. We are committed to continuing this important collaboration.” 

We have reached a crossroads in America when university police refer to themselves as “heroes” to justify their spying.

2 thoughts on “University police “heroes” use drones to spy on concertgoers

  1. All of the surveillance, and curtailment of freedom since 9-11 hasn’t done a thing to fight crime or terrorism because that was never the intent. Understand that there are no terrorists that our own “government” didn’t create, and you’ll understand that YOU are the target of all of the spying and tyranny.

    All major corporations, universities, medical facilities, and media outlets are under Zionist control, and they’re all going to be working hand-in-hand with the tyrants. Drones only scratch the surface. If the technology exists they’ll be deploying it.

  2. Anyone who would embrace these oathbreaking “heroes” as their heroes, deserves to have them as their heroes and ALLLL the heroism they have to offer.

    As Jolly Roger said, this treasonous garbage was rolled out BECAUSE of the 9/11 BS they intentionally created so sheeple would beg for it and pay for it both financially and with their freedom and lives. F’g you with your own D WHILE thanking them and making you pay for it is the joo-ish way. Filthy kikes.

    P.S. That video is vomit-worthy and a complete pile of propaganda BULLSH**!!!! They even had to throw in how THEY provide “safety and security”. Putting it in THEIR hands is giving it up and you don’t deserve EITHER ONE if you do that, you spineless faggot little copsucking weasels.

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