URGENT: Another shocking video of Israel blowing up an entire neighborhood in Gaza. Clearly the explosives were planted from the ground, meaning that the Israeli occupation forces had full control over the area and took its time planning the scene. Another premeditated war crime published by the military itself to please a dominating far-right camp that rates success by death and havoc.

One thought on “URGENT: Another shocking video of Israel blowing up an entire neighborhood in Gaza. Clearly the explosives were planted from the ground, meaning that the Israeli occupation forces had full control over the area and took its time planning the scene. Another premeditated war crime published by the military itself to please a dominating far-right camp that rates success by death and havoc.

  1. Bibi’s “mistake” looks like anything other than a MISTAKE!!

    I hate people who believe main stream news, yeah, I hate ’em.


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