Refugee Resettlement Watch – by Ann Cocoran
Why is this in our national interest?
This is insane! Illegal aliens (mostly Somalis) arrive on the island nation of Malta and we transform them into legitimate refugees and fly them to America!
We have been following this perversion of the refugee program for years (longer than the 5 years mentioned in this short article—the Bush Administration started this!). These illegal migrants are the European Union’s problem, not ours!
Will Europe reciprocate and take some of our illegal Mexicans—NO!
And, by doing this we actually encourage more illegals to try to get to Malta.

Opposition leader Simon Busuttil with US Department of State officials. WHO ARE THESE WOMEN REPRESENTING THE US STATE DEPT? Photo: Malta Today
From Malta Today:
The United States will continue resettling irregular immigrants who arrive in Malta within their nation. The news follows a meeting between Opposition leader Simon Busuttil and American Department of State officials.
“Every year, the US accepts around 70,000 refugees from around the world and for the past five years it has also started taking in 500 refugees a year from Malta.”
“With its gesture, the United States is acting as an example to other countries,” Busuttil said. “As Opposition, we hope that it’s a gesture that will encourage European countries to help lift the weight of immigration off Malta through a system that observes the dignity and rights of all the concerned people and countries.”
We have written more than 50 posts (extending back to 2007) on the US State Department’s outrageous departure from the norm of international refugee resettlement. Can we now expect the US to take some of the illegal Muslim migrants from the UK, Italy, France etc?
Click here for our extensive Malta archive. Want to write a book—your research is done!
See also our ‘Invasion of Europe’ series.
Addendum: Go here and see that we actually took 531 illegal aliens from Malta in the last 11 months. I suspect these are mostly single men.
Just more invasion armies for the foreign government in occupation to train and use to try and conquer us. Is it any more obvious? No other nation is doing what we are doing. It’s INSANITY!!! And we are just sitting by and letting it happen.
When the hell are the militia going to close the port of entries at the Southern border again? Screw that Barth woman and anyone else that the elite may throw their way. This is an invasion!