‘US arming of Israel disturb Middle East peace’

Published on Apr 23, 2013 by PressTVGlobalNews

An analyst has told Press TV that Israel has always been after keeping its occupation over the Palestinians, not making peace in the region, and the newly signed $10 billion arms deal between US and Israel is another smoking gun, also aimed at helping Tel Aviv in war against Iran.

The comments came as US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel and Israeli Minister of Military Affairs Moshe Yaalon have finalized a new arms deal worth USD 10 billion.

Meanwhile Hagel supported Israel’s warmongering rhetoric against Iran, saying the United States and Israel see “exactly the same” threat from Tehran. He said on Sunday that Israel can make its own decision about whether and when to launch an attack on Iran. “Israel will make the decisions that Israel must make to protect itself.” Also, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said earlier in April that US-engineered sanctions against Iran over its nuclear energy program might not be enough and military measures must be taken.

Press TV in its ‘Top five’ program has conducted an interview with Richard Forer, the author of ‘Breakthrough: Transforming Fear into Compassion’ from New York, to shed light on the issue.

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