US begins war on Syria as early as Thursday, officials say

The guided-missile destroyer USS Gravely (DDG 107)Press TV

Senior American officials say the United States has planned to launch missile strikes against Syria “as early as Thursday” in order to punish Damascus over the alleged use of chemical weapons.

The unnamed officials told NBC News on Tuesday that the “three days” of strikes would be limited in scope, and aimed at “sending a message to Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad rather than degrading his military capabilities.”   

On Monday night, four US warships were deployed in the Mediterranean within cruise missile range of Syria.

American defense officials said if the US wants to send a message to Assad, the most likely military action would be a Tomahawk missile strike, launched from a ship in the Mediterranean.

The US military has beefed up equipment during the past weeks. Several nuclear-powered submarines are reportedly in the water near Syria, also cruise-missile equipped.

The report came one day after US Secretary of State John Kerry accused the Syrian government of using chemical weapons.

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem on Tuesday accused Kerry of lying about the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government, challenging Washington and its allies to provide evidence.

This is while the UN inspectors are still in Syria to investigate the chemical weapons attacks and they are not scheduled to leave the country until Sunday.

Russia and China have both warned against a US-led military intervention in Syria. Moscow says a military action would have “catastrophic consequences” for the entire region.

Russian President Vladimir Putin told British Prime Minister David Cameron in a telephone call Monday that there was no evidence that an attack had taken place or who was responsible.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned on Monday that the use of force without a U.N. mandate would violate international law.


8 thoughts on “US begins war on Syria as early as Thursday, officials say

  1. NUKE Israel and get it over with. I am sure there will be no more wars after we turn them to dust. Israel is just sitting back drooling from the mouth waiting for the US to bomb Syria. When Iran jumps in then Israel will nuke Iran.
    Wipe Israel off the map.. No more being Israel’s BITCH.

    1. I have to disagree JGO, the consequence of Israel, or any other country for that matter, being “nuked” is detrimental. So much innocent blood would be spilled and lives lost on BOTH sides. I hope and pray that any intervention by the US will not led to any “catastrophic consequences” because the whole world will then go to war, a financial collapse will likely occur on a global scale, and I’m pretty sure you know what the successive events will be.

      1. So in your book, Mr. Learningslowly, Syria being “nuked” by Israhel 4 times already, simply for being located next to and coveted by bas-turd’ Israhel, doesn’t count in your threat of “you know what the successive events will be”? The blood of millions of innocents has already been spilled over the last 10 years, but in your book these don’t count either? Go back to the burning hole from where you came, Mr. Slowly.

      2. You better speed up your learning curve Mr slowly!
        You should be ready to fight right now. The collateral damage is unavoidable, but the beast must be destroyed. Along with it’s tainted seed.
        That is the ONLY road left. Man up or get on your knees bitch. They have a .40 hollow point reeducation tool waiting for you.

    2. Assassinate the entire rothschild clan for starters.
      They have been causing shit for way too long.

      Note how the main countries instigating this crap are America, france, uk, and israel. All owned and controlled by khazar ‘jews’.
      Russia is controlled opposition and playing their part very well.
      I would be very surprised if russia did anything of consequence at all. I have no idea if china will make a move.


      1. Flek, China won’t make a move unless they are attacked on their mainland. Just look at their history. They have always been passive and all talk. They generally follow Russia, but even if Russia attacks, I’m not so sure they would follow through with them. Maybe only a little. Especially since their inflation rate is so high now and their economy is ready to collapse anytime now and like us is being held up by a thread. However, they are hording all the gold. So something is up with them in the long run.

        The countries around the world right now are all on the verge of economic, financial and military breakdown. All they need is that one, tiny spark.

  2. “Senior American officials say the United States has planned to launch missile strikes against Syria “as early as Thursday” in order to punish Damascus over the alleged use of chemical weapons.”

    And WHO, exactly, designated you POS @sswipes as the punishers of ANYONE???

    Your deaths will be celebrated by decent folk everywhere.

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