USA Investigation Nation

We have become a nation inundated with investigation after investigation into government and corporate corruption, JP Morgan’s Jamie Dimon appearing before House Financial Services Committee to explain where $7 billion in investors’ money got away to, Eric Holder’s investigation into security leaks coming out of the White House, former Pennsylvania State’s football coach Jerry Sandusky on trial for buggering little boys, the constitutionality of Obamacare before the Supreme Court, and of course Representative Issa investigating Eric Holder and the entire Justice Department in reference to their role in Fast and Furious.

These are just some of the biggest names.  If you want to look into the state, county, and city levels the number of investigations into corruption of government officials and corporate thieves is staggering.  And who is paying for all this?  That’s right, we the people are.  And what will become of the investigations?  Well when it comes to people like Jamie Dimon and Eric Holder who are the worst offenders, the result will be nothing more than an admission that mistakes were made and the establishment of yet another committee to create new policies to make sure the mistakes do not happen again.

In short, nothing will happen.  These investigations are nothing more than a never ending smoke screen designed to divert our attention away from the fact that the international elitists are continuing to pump our raw resources out of our county as fast as the Mexican laborers can facilitate the operations.  They have already stolen $35 trillion from us but as these thieves own our government, not a one has been investigated, let alone prosecuted.

These international elitists are laughing in our faces and would like to dismiss us as completely useless in defending ourselves against them.  It is not that a lot of us do not understand what is going on. It is just that to move an inch on them will require going all the way.

We are at the point to where we are literally going to have to come out of our homes and start arresting the criminals ourselves.  There is no one else to do it and it has to be done.  We must start considering how to go forward.  If we just keep standing by as the looters carry off our country, at some point they will have everything and we will have nothing left.

Let’s face it, the longer this goes on, the bigger the job retrieving our stolen property is going to be.  Maybe if nothing else, we should just start walking up to these treasonous public officials and telling them to stop the investigations as they are a waste of money, that we know that they are not going to put each other in jail, and we really can’t afford to pay for their productions anymore.

Wouldn’t it be nice if when we citizens violated the law the worst we could expect is to be investigated followed by a punishment consisting of nothing more than admitting we made a mistake?  I don’t know, it just doesn’t seem like enough of a deterrent.  Maybe that is why they continue to steal from us, I mean, why not if there are no consequences.

God bless the Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.

3 thoughts on “USA Investigation Nation

  1. “Wouldn’t it be nice if when we citizens violated the law the worst we could expect is to be investigated followed by a punishment consisting of nothing more than admitting we made a mistake? I don’t know, it just doesn’t seem like enough of a deterrent. Maybe that is why they continue to steal from us, I mean, why not if there are no consequences.”

    You just hit the nail right on the head! If thieves came on your property and stole your possessions, if all you did was say “I caught you!” and that was it, of course they would keep coming back until everything that was yours was completely gone.

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