Van Morrison Evokes Antisemitic Trope With New Song ‘They Own the Media’

The Algemeiner

Irish singer-songwriter Van Morrison debuted a new song on Thursday titled “They Own the Media,” evoking an age-old antisemitic trope and outraging many fans and critics.

In the track, the 75-year-old rock and folk legend does not reveal who the pronoun refers to, but sings, “They control the narrative / they perpetuate the myth / Keep on telling you lies / telling you ignorance is bliss.” An official audio-only video for “They Own the Media” was posted on YouTube on Thursday, and had over 12,000 views by the following day.

The song is part of Morrison’s 28-song album “Latest Record Project: Vol. 1.” Other titles on the record include “Why Are You On Facebook,” “Big Lie,” “The Long Con” and “Where Have All the Rebels Gone?”

In 2005, the two-time Grammy winner was accused of antisemitism for his song “They Sold Me Out,” in which he sings in from the perspective of Jesus: “For a few shekels more, they didn’t even think twice / For a few shekels more, another minute in the spotlight.”

Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, the artist has shared conspiracy theories that target Jews, according to the Forward.

“Well the new Van Morrison album will certainly satisfy anyone who’s wondered what the Protocols would sound like with a sax accompaniment,” commented the British writer and presenter Matthew Sweet.

“It’s a terrible night for a moondance,” quipped a Pitchfork review of the new album. “On this risible and intermittently lovely 28-song collection, Van indulges in some of his most cherished paranoid theories and deepest-held grudges.”

The Algemeiner

9 thoughts on “Van Morrison Evokes Antisemitic Trope With New Song ‘They Own the Media’

  1. I wonder how merenstein and warner brothers feel about this or are (they) behind it? Either way it’ll make some think for a change. Some.

    1. And all the kike lovers and kikes are associating it with q-tards on twatter. This was released by sony and sony brought us that crap kike propaganda movie “the interview”. In bed with the fed, since that one hyped up the war rhetoric with NK. Even o’blammy helped to hype it by a white house address. He may be right and he may be telling the truth, but I don’t trust it for a second considering the sources. 2 cents.

      1. Good points, Martist. Maybe they let this slip through ’cause they are trying to stay relevant, knowing that the people know and aren’t interested in pap any more. And maybe it’s just that he didn’t name names, but to many, it was obvious who he was talking about. But they sure are hitting back hard, especially with the Q crap and Aryan accusations. I just have to follow this.


        1. Agreed, Galen. They are getting some off target irrelevant spin off this and I expect to see exactly where it’s going to affect the First Article and make kikes look like “victims” and mensches.

  2. I found this Wiki-smear, written shortly before this last release of his album:

    Coronavirus controversy

    During the COVID-19 pandemic, Morrison was against social distancing as quoted, “Come forward, stand up, fight the pseudo-science and speak up.” Continuing with this narrative, Morrison released three new songs in September 2020, which had messages of protest against the COVID-19 lockdowns in the UK. Morrison accused the UK government of “taking our freedom”. He had performed socially-distanced concerts previously, but said that the shows were not a sign of “compliance”.

    There have been calls in Belfast for Belfast City Council to revoke his Freedom of the City honour following the intervention: city councillor Emmet McDonough-Brown said that his lyrics were “undermining the guidance in place to protect lives and are ignorant of established science as we grapple with Covid-19.”

    In addition, the Northern Ireland health minister, Robin Swann, accused Morrison of smearing public health practitioners and aiding tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists. Writing in Rolling Stone magazine, Swann said:

    “We expected better from him … Some of what is he saying is actually dangerous. It could encourage people not to take coronavirus seriously. If you see it all as a big conspiracy, then you are less likely to follow the vital public health advice that keeps you and others safe.”

    in the same article, Swann also charged Morrison with:

    “a smear on all those involved in the public health response to a virus that has taken lives on a massive scale. His words will give great comfort to the conspiracy theorists – the tin foil hat brigade who crusade against masks and vaccines and think this is all a huge global plot to remove freedoms. He’s chosen to attack attempts to protect the old and vulnerable in our society. It’s all bizarre and irresponsible. I only hope no one takes him seriously. He’s no guru, no teacher.”


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