Vape store employee meltdown over trump supporting customer | EXTENDED VERSION & UNCENSORED| Warning

Published on Dec 29, 2018

Vape Store Clerk LOSES IT on Trump Supporting Customer Ian Furgeson, 36, filmed himself getting kicked out of a vape shop in Georgia

He entered the shop on Friday to purchase some items for his wife but was asked to leave allegedly after the employee saw his MAGA hat and Trump shirt

The employee at first respectfully asked him to leave but after Furgeson goads him he explodes and launches an expletive-filled rant

He says: ‘Get the f*** out of here. I f***ing can’t stand y’all racist mother f***ers’

Video of the furious rant has gone viral with over 7million views Furgeson says Xhale City’s corporate office got in touch with him afterwards and told him the employee was fired

Xhale City posted a status on Facebook saying they fired the clerk in light of the incident, then proceeded to delete all of their social media pages Friday evening

4 thoughts on “Vape store employee meltdown over trump supporting customer | EXTENDED VERSION & UNCENSORED| Warning

  1. Clerk needs to have the shit beat out of him, hate to say it, but it works. Only way to straighten punks like this out.

  2. one swipe at me like that , motherfcker.. and you’d be pickin up your teeth and your pride a mile down the block
    Cops or no cops
    No one plays like that shit in my face
    I got no patience for that
    Dudes lucky all he got was fired
    That store owes that man some free shit for his troubles
    If you can’t deal with the public and the fact that this country allows that man to wear and like who he wants , than this tyrants ass needs to move to a hole in the ground
    Off his meds is an understatement

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