Virginia Gun Grabbers Now Looking to Eliminate Privately Owned Gun Ranges

DC Clothesline – by Dean Garrison

The powder keg is about to explode in Virginia.

As citizens cling to their rights, the gun-grabbing authoritarians are flexing their muscles and talking a big game. 

Now they are attempting to shut down all privately-owned gun ranges.

From Law Enforcement Today:

Virginia just went full blown communist.

If it wasn’t bad enough watching the action unfold surrounding unconstitutional gun laws and the militias being formed to fight against them, now it seems like Virginia is trying to pull yet another move.

They want to shut down every gun range in the state that isn’t owned by the government. 

According to House Bill 567, any indoor shooting range would be prohibited by law – UNLESS it was inside of a building owned by the state. 

And any business owners who decided to defy the law could be facing up to a $100,000 fine and potential civil penalties.

According to the bill, which has not yet been voted on or approved, would prohibit” the operation of an indoor shooting range, defined in the bill, in any building not owned or leased by the Commonwealth or federal government.”

For those that would be staying open, the state wants them to act as a data collecting operation, creating a state-controlled list of who is using the range as well as their photo ID and home address. 

Let’s be clear. This is a very real threat against the rights laid out in the Constitution. Americans have the right to defend themselves. And the state is literally trying to stop gun owners from training and improving their skills.

This is an attack on our liberties. 



Virginia politicians are walking a dangerous line.

If all hell breaks loose in Virginia, they may have a lot more than Commonwealth citizens to worry about.

Gun owners from all over the country may descend on Virginia.

What do you think America?

Are people of the Great Commonwealth of Virginia simply going to hand their guns over without a fight?

No way.

This could get rather ugly.

Shall NOT Be Infringed still means something in America.

Dean Garrison is Publisher of DC Clothesline and DC Dirty Laundry

DC Clothesline

4 thoughts on “Virginia Gun Grabbers Now Looking to Eliminate Privately Owned Gun Ranges

  1. yeah, well…… until the shooting starts, it’s all just more drama for the TV to use for propaganda purposes.

    I predict that they’re going to drag this out longer than the O.J. trial, and the only result will be more “debate” on gun rights that results in more infringements of the same.

    If the people of Virginia have the manpower they claim to have, they should go to the state capitol and arrest the governor for treason, give him a fair trial in a common law court, and let the jury decide his fate.

    Anything less is just more BS, and I don’t have time for it. They’re going to turn this into a soap opera, and what we need is some real exercise, and defense of our rights.

    S#!T or get off the pot. Everyone’s tired of endless drama and nonsense.

  2. Right. Defend the Constitution. But will you defend the Bill of Rights? You know, natural law?

    Great comment, Jolly!

  3. “I predict that they’re going to drag this out longer than the O.J. trial, and the only result will be more “debate” on gun rights that results in more infringements of the same.”

    I’ll add, this whole year they will drag, as per the UN 2022 will be the real killing war, up til then is just conditioning and brainwashing.

  4. Two years ago the nancies tried to shut down the club I belong to
    Somehow the board members were able to hold them off ( I’m trying to be nice by not saying it )
    The club is Over 56 years of being a dam good neighbor
    Don’t mean shit
    But 300 yards means a lot to me .. so I helped as much as I could with the fight
    So far it’s been quiet

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