2 thoughts on “Vladimir Putin Traitor to the New World Order

  1. One might read the moments of the 1928 Communist Party meeting where their long term strategic plans were formulated for the demise of the West. Among other initiatives the meeting in Moscow planned to bring into being a “New World Order” and some of the instruments of its introduction that would open the West and America up to defeat would be “environmentalism, abortion, homosexuality, feminism, contraception”, or the demoralization and corruption of Western Christianity. Gorbachev told the Russian Duma before his retirement that Russian Strategy had for some time and will continue to adopt Gramski’s method of defeating the West. Gramski, the Italian Marxist taught that first God would have to be taken out of the Western culture and then it would be ripe for revolution, civil war and the victory of “Communism” (which went underground “temporarily”) and a One World Communist/Atheist Dictatorship.

    Putin, whose both parents were Jews, whose father was a member of the Communist Party and chief cook for both Lenin and Stalin, whose mother “converted” to Russian Orthodoxy in 1960, as many Jews did to avoid future reprisals for their part in the Communist purges, who is a KGB Officer, Communist, and a 33rd Degree Freemason, follows directly in the planning of a One World Dictatorship, but run by Russia.

    Putin, seeing the same future as Stalin did, imitates Stalin to some degree by opening up Russia to the officially adopted religion of Russian Orthodoxy, in order to unify Russia, to prepare it for WAR. Russian Orthodoxy, whose Bishops and leaders are all KGB officers, is historically connected to Russian nationalism and not to any resurgence of Christianity. If we remember it was Russian/KGB/Marxists who filled our Universities, social institutions, public education, government, etc, and flooded America with filth, porn, and Marxist indoctrination via our public schools and media.

    Last note: Putin, who is Jewish (Russian Marranos – or Crypto/Secret Jew), whose Russia is ruled by dozens of Jewish Oligarchs is from a long line of those warned of by Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Alexander Solzhenitsyn writes in his last book on the history of Russia how the Jews murdered over 66 million Russians, Ukrainians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Romanians, Estonians, Georgians, etc. In today’s Ukraine near all the players on both sides of the Ukrainian situation are Jews and KGB, being played against each other for a greater cause, a greater Russian Communist cause.

    In the 1917 government of Soviet Socialist Russia, of the 502 highest offices, 467 were Jews. In todays Ukraine, less than 1% are Jews and the Ukrainians government is over 60% Jewish. And note Putin’s protection of Jews and his close ties with Israel.

    Volcker, Greenspan, Bernanke, Yellen, Giethner, Summers, Kagan, Meyers, Ginsburg, Lew, Axelrod, Emmanuel, Orzag, all 33 Czars minus one, Feinstein, Bloomberg, Lautenberg, Boxer, Wasserman, Kohl, Vallerie Jarret (Iranian Jew – Marranos), Hollywood, all six major movie companies, most publishers, near all banksters; what do all of these have in common – all are Jews or Jewish owned. Who are stealing our wealth, who promoted and legislated for contraception, abortion, homosexuality, pornography, etc, all Jewish Congressmen, Jewish committee’s, Jewish legal firms and lawyers, Jewish media, etc – for we must remember that Marxism, Atheistic Communism, is none other than Jewish Bolshevism, and they brag of the same.

    One thing happening that most people cannot fathom, is that there are several intrigues, several entities all vying for control of the New World Order. China, Islam, Western Judaism/Freemasonry, and Eastern Judaism/Freemasonry, united against Western Christianity but each vying for control of the spoils for different reasons and using different tactics.

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