6 thoughts on “War of the Wolves

  1. While the overall content of his words bear much weight, falling into the compartmentalized current left/right, conservative/liberal, democrat/republican, joo-deo Christian(insulting oxymoron) paradigm has proven to be ineffective and actually disastrous. It has been used as a tool of “for or against us” propaganda and provides no other solution to the problem EXCEPT for those who have fashioned it into the very weapon they deem most suited to their agenda.

    Anyone who ever uses the term “joo-deo Christian” has not read their Bible enough and is only parroting the lies they have been spoon fed. I imagine Jesus would be incensed at the very coupling of those two words. WWJD you may ask? I think he would grab a whip and drive your blasphemous a$$ out of here. THAT’S what Jesus would do!

    1. I would also like to add that IF these lone wolf attacks were ACTUALLY occurring, any and all retaliation would be acceptable. However THEY. ARE. NOT. They are hoaxes and they are designed by their zio-joo commie creators to achieve the very response this gentleman is advocating. Like sheep to the slaughter as they say.

  2. Unfortunately there’s too many people suckered into the zionist tag line “JEWdeo” Christian. I like the part where he talks about ISIS and the threat they are to Christians and jews. The only people besides Christians these “fanatical islamists” happen to attack are other Muslims. Funny, right!? By the way, who did I hear use the term useful idiots before? ( Netanyahu to Johnathan Pollard: ” What do I think of Christian zionists, they’re scum. But don’t tell them that, we need all the useful idiots we can get”.)

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