War zone: Media in town where black teen was shot told to leave or face arrest

Looting, vandalism, riots in Ferguson via kmovSent to us by a reader who said, “Based on your article concerning the no fly zone over Ferguson I did some searching and found this. If true, they do seem to be trying to hide something.”

Liberty Unyielding – by Renee Nal

Tensions are high in Ferguson, Mo., as police are out in droves after widespread rioting and looting resulted in major damage to local businesses Sunday evening. On Twitter, reports of riot police and tanks getting ahead of further potential violence are adding to the unrest.

Michael Brown was an unarmed teenager who was shot and killed by an unnamed police officer over the weekend in suburban St. Louis. The details surrounding the circumstances of the initial confrontation remain unclear, as reported at the Washington Post; however it was reported that a police officer was physically pushed into his own squad car and “assaulted.”

The Saint Louis Post Dispatch reported that Brown “attacked” the officer. St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar said “one shot was fired by the officer’s gun inside the car during the struggle, hitting no one, and that the officer then got out of the car and fired multiple times.” An autopsy will be performed on Brown. A police investigation into the incident is underway.

After a vigil for Michael Brown, widespread rioting and looting devastated the area. News 4 KMOV reported that “[A]t least two officers suffered injuries and 32 people were arrested…” during the riots. The report noted that “windows of a News 4 live truck were smashed out by the angry crowd.”

Ferguson riots via Twitter

Here is an excerpt from the Dispatch on the damage from Sunday evening:

While some people prayed, others spilled onto West Florissant Avenue, choking off traffic. Looting was reported at a QuikTrip at 9420 West Florissant Avenue about 9 p.m. and soon spread from there. Most of the businesses being targeted were mainly along West Florissant. Around 11 p.m., looters smashed into a Wal-Mart in the area near Interstate 270, as well as cell phone, clothing and dollar stores.

A large fire was burning at West Florissant and Northwinds Estates Drive. A civilian was reported beaten near West Florissant and Chambers. Jimmy Muhammad, 32, said he and his colleagues had just fended off a gang of masked young men with guns who tried to break into his uncle’s store, United Mart, in the 10300 block of West Florissant. The front door was shattered. “It’s bad,” said Muhammad, still gripping a pistol.

Sirens blasted from all the police vehicles speeding by to other crime scenes. “I don’t blame the police, but they can’t keep up.” Silas Chung, 53, didn’t get to his small store, Up N Up Fashion, in the 11600 block of West Florissant, soon enough to defend it. “I feel bad,” said Chung, cleaning up the damage. “This world is getting worse and worse.” At Ferguson Avenue and West Florissant Road, about 150 demonstrators also blocked traffic. They were taunting police officers, who were lined up in riot gear, carrying shields and batons.

On Monday night, the NAACP held a meeting and police were ready with tanks and tear gas.

There were several reports stating that the damage was not caused by locals. According to the News 4 report, “Ferguson Mayor James Knowles III and Chief [Tom] Jackson told News 4 they are confident the people who rioted last night are from Jennings and Dellwood, not Ferguson.”

On Monday night, presumably to stop further rioting from gaining a foothold on the town, the police showed up in a big way and inexplicably asked the local media to leave.

Rev. Al Sharpton will be meeting with the family. The FBI will be investigating “civil rights” complaints against the police.

Tauheed Youth Development Life, the New Black Panther Party (NBPP), the Organization for Black Struggle (OBS), the Moorish Science Temple, the Coalition Against Police Crimes and Repression, the Nation of Islam – Mosque 28, and the Universal African Peoples Organization (UAPO) are calling for another rally in front of St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert P. McCulloch’s office on Tuesday.

Renee Nal is a co-founder of TavernKeepers.com, a news and political commentary site founded by former Glenn Beck interns. She is also the National Conservative Examiner and a contributor for the Brenner Brief.

Read more at http://libertyunyielding.com/2014/08/12/warzone-media-in-ferguson-asked-to-leave-or-face-arrest/#HxsjCmmCdh4g5iM3.99

14 thoughts on “War zone: Media in town where black teen was shot told to leave or face arrest

  1. Pull your pants up slob thief! You are disgusting and a disgrace to Americans.
    Your people ought to slap you around. I don’t agree with the brutality of the cops in any way. For this guy to steal from this store wether an out of towner or local is very low. By the way you are being used. If and when economy collapses this is what people have to look forward, get ready.

  2. “There were several reports stating that the damage was not caused by locals. According to the News 4 report, “Ferguson Mayor James Knowles III and Chief [Tom] Jackson told News 4 they are confident the people who rioted last night are from Jennings and Dellwood, not Ferguson.””

    Someone had to of paid and organized these people to go there and start something. This just doesn’t happen all from one area all at once. This is too coordinated. Plus they’ve got the Black Panthers there stirring things up. I mean come on, how much more blatantly obvious can you get?

    I’m thinking the elite were pissed that the Trayvon Martin thing didn’t erupt in race riots, so now they are taking advantage of this incident and orchestrating it in order to make it happen this time.

  3. On the whole I don’t support rioting, but the fact of the matter is that this little riot is the people of Ferguson’s only hope of seeing justice. Without this riot, the entire incident would have been swept under the rug, and the cop who murdered this kid (who had his hands in the air to surrender) would have gotten away with the murder.

    And since the cops only protect businesses and rich people, they’re going to be “collateral damage”, as any of our politicians would say.

    So go ahead, Ferguson. Rip it up. That’s all our government is going to listen to. If you don’t do this, you’ll only be ignored, as we’ve already seen for decades.

    Rioting and looting isn’t good, but it’s better than sitting in front of the TV pretending all is fine in America. They’re doing something besides ignoring the situation, so it’s a big improvement over the apathy we usually see.

    We can only hope they have enough sense to hunt down the killer pigs and string ’em up.

  4. This is about the 4th or 5th time the police have changed there story on this. As new facts come in about this to cover there officer. So any thing they say is unbeleavable at this point from them. I think it is time to go back to the origenal report the officer wrote. His word at that point against the witness word to be even able to see a fact in this case. That has led to rioting and now heavy military equipment being brought in against Americas own. News being shut down because every thing the police say they have to resay the next day in a different way. I do see the problem here. I think if the police from the start had been honest and open about all. This would not be to this point. You can not have a police force that the tax payer don’t have faith in or beleave a word they squill out. And there is the root cause of this problem. And the press nor the public will foreget or forgive such. Have you forgot the feelings that bombing rioters in O.K. Tulsa caused in the 1920s. You as police vave now put your backs to the wall here. Proper police action from the start by you would have avoided this rather than we are all good buddy’s here and now all of us the public is against out there. Great way to go as Cops on the street I say. You are doing yourselfs in for your freind.

  5. Just a question but a good time for free lancers to slip in threw the brush off road and report on what is going on there. Behind the police line reporting should pay well at risk of your life for being shot as a spy by the police there.

  6. why isnt anybody using drone camera’s to monitor this?
    i mean seriously, you can get them on Amazon and they fit in a backpack!

    1. Do “No fly zones” include not being able to fly civilian drones? Not sure, but it wouldn’t surprise me. Most likely the damn thing would get shot down somehow.

  7. “There were several reports stating that the damage was not caused by locals. According to the News 4 report, “Ferguson Mayor James Knowles III and Chief [Tom] Jackson told News 4 they are confident the people who rioted last night are from Jennings and Dellwood, not Ferguson.””

    So basically the elite are trying to create and pay for an outside threat (such as a foreign group, a disease or even people from another town, as in this case), in order to have an excuse to exercise martial law, since they know that they can’t crack down on the people in their own town with martial law because it will make the people see the police as aggressors rather than protectors.

    Remember: They want the people to think that they have come to save and protect them by making them give up their freedom for security and all that crap.

    They will continue with this tactic and also use it as an excuse to disarm Americans and create more police state measures.

  8. If the rioting wasn’t done by locals, there is a possibility agent provocateurs were brought in as a means to stir up the public conscience to distant themselves from any attempt at real reform.

    I watched a video of the protests, in which several of the people protesting made it clear this wasn’t a race issue, the msm was turning it into one, inviting anyone; white, hispanic, asian, who was tired of police brutality to come down and join them in their protests.

    What better way to prevent more from coming down to join, than to cause riots and burning, making it look as though the protesters were responsible scaring off those who were perhaps about to come off the fence.

  9. Sharkton’s involved now. That means plenty of National coverage, so this one isn’t getting buried any time soon.

    Question is, do they really want it to.

  10. With Florissant surounded and under seige by there police. When is Obama going to send in a rescue mission, drop supply’s, and arm the rebles being held there? He does such for those in the Middle East and his first job should be to see to the safety and humanitarian needs of Americans here. And arm them so they can resist and call in a few airstrikes so the police line can be broke.

  11. Only one person has thought through “Who gains?”
    The police have done a stupid and criminal act in murdering an unarmed person.
    The response by the community is (righteous) anger and demands for accountability.
    To deflect the attention from the police actions, they need to make the ordinary person detach themselves from the victims and support the police.
    To do this send in the (undercover) clowns.
    Ordinary people do not support looting and violence, so therefore the provocateurs (from outside government units) will depict the community as looters and violent rioters, a danger to the “poor little” police.
    In this way, the normal average person will “change sides” and come to support police rather than the violence.
    Don’t fall for it.
    PS to the rioters, “all power comes from the barrel of a gun”
    Discussing who or what is “right” is pointless.
    As demonstrated in Israel, a sniper at 300 yards is (much) more effective than a rock at 30 yards, and both beat shouting at the enemy.

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