If you’ve been dreaming about going back to the office, news of a promising Covid-19 vaccine could mean you’ll be back at your desk sooner than you thought.
There are obvious benefits to having a workforce that’s been immunized from coronavirus, but can your employer require you to get vaccinated?
Some workers might be hesitant about getting a vaccine or feel uncomfortable about their employer having a say in their medical decisions.
But legal experts say that employers can mandate getting the shot. Whether they should is a different matter.
Some jobs already have vaccination requirements. For instance, some health care workers are required to get flu shots.
“This idea that vaccines can be mandated is well-established,” said Jay Rosenlieb, partner and chair of the Labor and Employment Group at Klein DeNatale Goldner law firm in California.
But federal protections could allow for some exceptions. Workers with underlying medical conditions might be exempt under the Americans with Disabilities Act. And Title VII of the Civil Rights Act could allow employees with “sincerely held” religious beliefs against a vaccine to seek accommodations.
Under these circumstances, employers would have to provide reasonable accommodation. That could mean allowing the employee to work from home, or to use personal protective equipment in the office along with other health and safety measures, according to Rosenlieb.
Not wanting to get the vaccine for moral or political reasons would not be protected.
But making vaccination mandatory could open an employer up to potential workers’ compensation claims if an employee suffers any negative side effects. And that could cause some companies to stop short of making it a condition of employment.
“If an employee has an adverse reaction to a mandated vaccination, that could become a workers‘ comp claim at least,” said Rosenlieb.
Forcing employees to get the vaccine could also create a PR headache for the company.
“Employees love to discuss political issues, and a vaccine mandate is going to spur on that discussion,” noted Rosenlieb. That talk could leak outside company walls and onto social media.
“The employer then becomes exposed to social media conversations that they otherwise would not want to be exposed to.”
Instead of a mandate, employers could try to encourage and motivate employees to get vaccinated.
“I don’t think anybody wants to mandate it. They just don’t want the bad vibes that come from a mandated program,” said Rosenlieb.
He suggested employers take a multi-pronged approach: allow workers to get the vaccine on company time, have senior leadership promote that they got the vaccine, and engage the union to promote the shot.
He also said that workers who do not get the vaccine should not be discriminated against.
“This idea that vaccines can be mandated is well-established,” said Jay Rosenlieb, partner and chair of the Labor and Employment Group at Klein DeNatale Goldner law firm in California.” Oy….!
Yeah, in Nazi Germany..! Fk you to hell
This authority only exists in your criminal usurped Government, not our Free Republic.
And it’s not a political issue mthrfkr it’s a deadly issue for anyone who try’s this shit or attempts the enforcement of it.
“Not wanting to get the vaccine for moral or political reasons would not be protected.“
Famous last words I wager! Fkn POS
You control freak, stasi wanna be’s really are
out of touch with real Americans, aren’t you?
I can’t imagine these people are really so ignorant as to believe a massive armed rebellion will not begin over this alone, warranted as it is.
Music playing; I’m Proud to be annnn Americannnnn, where at least I kNow I’m freeeee.!
It’s called a line in the sand for a reason, and it is a moral issue, it’s the point where we have delineated a stand to take place, Fire for fire, shot for shot, equal opportunity dying time.
So let’s roll mthrfkrs, who wants some first..!
Certainly not this little kike faggot four eyed power drunk pos along with the rest, they expect their Police and Military to do the dirty work!
Well news flash punk, they are just in our way from we the people getting right up close to you and your globalist kine…!
Well ain’t this country great, must have been that orange haired MAGA guy that made it that way!
DTTNWO eternal
Great to see something like this FINALLY entering the COVID conversations? AND with citations to black letter law. CNN gives a basis of law to exceptions arguments? Never expected to see that happen.
The psychopaths are using the same brainwashing technique that cults use to coerce their members into suicide pacts and other bizarre “acts of devotion”. Henry has been saying it for years people, don’t expect anything to get any better until the Bill of Rights is once again enforced as the Supreme Law, and Common Law courts are reinstated. Maybe when enough people are unable to work resulting in homelessness and starvation due to refusing the “mark of the beast”, the Republic will be restored.
Wow….they truly are propagandizing this thing EXACTLY how we said they would. So predictable.
You knew they wouldn’t allow you to get a job or continue your current job unless you get vaccinated. That’s their whole plan all along. A hard sell, but that is their goal and unless the people rise up, they will do it.
People in this country need to wake up!
Sounds like CNN is sugar-coating this “your employer shouldn’t force you to get vaccinated” meme of theirs for the sole purpose of not being sued for liable if they (as they’d love to) stated every employee MUST be vaccinated (except those in the criminal psycho elites, of course….or CNN’s teleprompter readers….)
No employer can force you to do a dam thing
If they believe they can
It’s all in their head
Head games , that’s all we get from you
Is head games , til we won’t take it anymore .. no more head games
Yeah, head games. Programming, steering, brain-washing. Just saw a CNN headline that says the tide has turned and the majority of Americans welcome the vaccine. Soon we’ll see who thinks for themselves and who blindly follow. Who’ll flee, who’ll fight.
“Just saw a CNN headline that says the tide has turned and the majority of Americans welcome the vaccine.”
Typical reverse psychology by the Communist News Network. That’s their way of making people feel that they must go along with CNN’s fake masses so that they don’t feel like an outcast.
Sorry CNN, it’s not gonna work on me.
Thats funny because i read something over the weekend that said over 70% doesnt trust this so called vaccine ..dammit wish i had saved it to post
I guess the point I’m making is ..I never trust poles , or politicians , and especially not the MSM
If these so called employers want to join with the enemy, then they are the enemy, and we wipe their f-king asses out too.
We will see who has the superior will and determination.