Since when in this country has there ever been a need that hasn’t been met?
The firearm, ammunition, powder, and primer manufacturers are not keeping up with demand, and haven’t been for over a year now.
What unlawful regulations have been put in place by the unlawful United States Corporation to ban the import of arms, ammunition, and reloading supplies since 9/11?
A lot of the ammunition we cannot get is NATO. Where are the imports?
A lot of the guns we want are NATO. Why are they not being imported?
I have found the guns, ammunition, and reloading supplies being produced in the United States are being exported out of this country more easily now as we the American nationals are being deprived of these implements necessary for our implementation of our 2nd Article right, thanks to this new Rule that went into effect in March 2020: US Civilian Firearms Exporters Take Heed as Commerce Department Takes Lead Over Enforcement under New Rule.
Why has there not been a freeze on all exports of arms and ammunition from the United States to last until we the people have our needs met? This is corporate treason. We have made these bastards and we can break them.
I have found that Hodgdon, the biggest producer of reloading powder, has bought up most of the other major powder producers.
I have found Hodgdon’s excuses for the powder shortages in early 2020 here: and in early 2021 here:
I have found that Hodgdon is now exporting powder to Europe, the Middle East and Africa here: yet they tell us they are having trouble in transporting it to we American nationals. Liars and Traitors.
All information you can find will be put up beneath this article and will stay at the top of the front page.
This is treason and every free man and woman needs to know about it.
From Mary:
along with the exporting it seems with all the unrest in the past year the country acquired 6.2 million ‘new shooters’,
‘The National Shooting Sports Foundation reported a massive influx of new gun owners in 2020 totaling 6.2 million. New shooters purchasing guns and ammunition caused a significant drop in supply. ‘ ‘“Unless demand falls rapidly, we don’t envision a scenario where supply catches up before summer 2021, at the earliest,” Felde told Pew Pew Tactical. ‘
from August, 2020:
‘Though there are dozens of major and minor ammunition manufacturers in the U.S., only four domestic manufacturers produce primers…’
From Hal Apeeno:
Here are some words on primer shortage…
“The Remington bankruptcy has had a large impact on the shortage of ammo and primers. With Remington in a state of financial insolvency for the past two years, suppliers were demanding payment upon delivery for products. Remington simply did not have the financial capabilities to have an abundance of raw materials on hand and had to shutter some of their production capacity. Barnes bullets and primers were hit particularly hard in the reloading market. With the recent purchase of Remington by Vista, there is a good chance that Vista will be diverting CCI and Federal primers that would typically go to reloaders to Remington ammunition production.”
“With import restrictions out of Russia, we do not anticipate seeing the help we had from them in 2008-2012. We had also seen S&B, Unis Ginex and other foreign brands of primers enter the market during the shortages to relieve some of the pressure, but aren’t seeing that influx of primers this time around. The lack of foreign primers on the market is a major reason we believe this shortage is going to last for quite some time.”
From Galen: Homemade Primer Course: 499491401-How-to-Build-Home
From Henry: How to make gunpowder
Hatcher’s Notebook – A Standard reference Book for Shooters, Gunsmiths, Ballisticians, Historians, Hunters and Collectors, by Julian S Hatcher, can be found here:
Chapter 13: Notes on Gunpowder found here: gives a detailed explanation of how smokeless gunpowder is made, right down to the correct proportions to determine burn rate and pressures.
I suggest downloading a copy to save to your computer.
From Frost Jack:
From Mary: Homemade Primer Series
From Misty:
Loading Dock Deals, Rationing, and Local Gun Shops are Low Priority here:
From Clay:
Microstamping Bill in California will affect reloading for older guns:
From Enemy of the State:
That’s some research there, Henry. Big thanks. We must bring them to their knees. Will do what I can to find more info.
Ha, from Google:
Why is there a gunpowder shortage?
According to the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the reason for the shortage was due to hoarding by shooters and the same may be true with primers and other reloading components today.
I know I did. Saw this sh!t storm coming. That and I had a 1 grand gift card for sportsman’s warehouse, so I spent it all on powder, primers and live ammo. Plus, since I shoot a lot, I was well stocked already.
As long as you are fighting for the Bill of Rights, I say good job, but understand the people who are going to be doing the bulk of the fighting didn’t have a thousand dollars to stock up, but we do have our rifles, pistols, and thousands of rounds that we bought a little bit at a time as we could afford.
I wouldn’t waste any ammo because this whole thing is clearly orchestrated.
We now have the information to make our own primers and once we work the problem of making our own propellants, I would like to see everybody put the pricks who are exporting it completely out of business in the United States.
“Strike on the box” matches is what I’d do.
I think what’s happening is that the elite know they can’t take away our guns but they can starve us of the ammo, thus making a gun nothing more than an expensive paperweight. It seems all attention has been focused on people buying guns that the people forgot about making sure the ammo is there, too.
Very good point.. in fact i need more an am probably to late!!! son bitch
along with the exporting it seems with all the unrest in the past year the country acquired 6.2 million ‘new shooters’,
‘The National Shooting Sports Foundation reported a massive influx of new gun owners in 2020 totaling 6.2 million. New shooters purchasing guns and ammunition caused a significant drop in supply. ‘ ‘“Unless demand falls rapidly, we don’t envision a scenario where supply catches up before summer 2021, at the earliest,” Felde told Pew Pew Tactical. ‘
from August, 2020:
‘Though there are dozens of major and minor ammunition manufacturers in the U.S., only four domestic manufacturers produce primers…’
you are right Henry, we should have underground factories pushing this stuff out
Most already own guns but new laws have forced the 4473.
It seems to go much deeper than that. I believe government has put a strangle hold on manufacturers. Additionally, you surely remember the government buying up everything during the Obama administration. They are extremely concerned that we may wind up with a civil war. If you cant get ammo and cant get reloading supplies, what good are the guns? In the minds of the politicians, PROBLEM SOLVED. Think about this, where did all the firearms and ammo go from the Obama administration?
If the manufacturers are choking, they are choking on hundred dollar bills.
What will you do for mammon?
Are you implying they are “concerned” with us killing each other? Their only concern is to motivate US to do so and if the (((state run media))) hasn’t proven that to you by now, I don’t know what could.
They don’t fear a civil war , they are trying to provoke a civil war
What they truly fear … is a Revolution , because that’s when the cannon is pointed at them and not us
Bingo, Henry. These scumf***s are happy to supply the mic lackeys and everyone else except US! I do believe they’re also of the “evangelical” type who worship the G’d joos, too.
That piece of shit Soros and his fag son is buying facilities that manufacture the supplies under “Ghost” 501C3s..
This cocksucker does whatever the FK he wants, Biden and crew green light this shit…He started doing this when we first opened the site
Here are some words on primer shortage…
Spot on Henry! I was chatting with an ex-pat living in Germany and he can buy 9mm for what we used to pay for it, no shortages either, 1000 round lots for ~$250.00
Yeah , trust me
We’re being lied to again
The “shortage” is to control us , period
I’m a reloader and an avid shooter for over 40 years
Saw this shit headed our way when Obama got installed
Going to be a hell of a fight y’all
There will be plenty of ammunition on the dead bodies of traitors
Never leave it behind
Since Americans have been playing First Person Shooters, the opposition is mainly seen as a source of supplies and ammunition.
I’m curious… Do you, yourself see “Americans” that way, I mean that they/we see the opposition as “mainly” a source of supply?
Isn’t that what general Washington did during the revolution? He only engaged the enemy when he needed supplies.
My point was that we are not “mainly’ seeing the opposition that way. The “supplies” are merely the tools of the enemy, and those supplies rightfully belong to us, and we are in the process of taking them back. But when I look at the enemy/enemies I “mainly” see ruthless tyrants, cunning and greedy. I see child-raping pedophiles, perpetrators of genocide, infringers of inalienable and unalienable rights, deceivers who hold a false claim of dual citizenship, who have hijacked our nation. I see culture-killers and border destroyers. I see all manner of perversion and deviance. I see COMMUNISM.
And I don’t underestimate the American Nationals or their perceptions. Our culture is freedom and innovation. Our soul is bravery and even valor. We know where we come from, how we began, and though evil has thrown up roadblocks, we are going about the business of reclaiming our heritage of Liberty. We have a fight ahead for no true American National would choose to live as a slave, and any “supplies” and ammo we seek is for protecting our lives and our Bill of Rights that we may forever live FREE. The opposition… yeah, it’s “a source of supply” but “mainly” it’s consummate EVIL.
My opposition WILL be a source of supplies, and ammunition.
Count on it!
Are you F*Nin serious! Oh wow Ok sandy hoook Beleiver
Not you hal sorry i think we are short supply as well. Ken comment ment for: UndertheDRADIS
I wonder if that was directed at me ?
Well your answer is , dam right
Everything !
Enemy is enemy… I should know
You don’t leave useful things behind in war , tactics call for survival , period
Now do I only see them this way ?
No .. I see them as a destructive enemy force in occupation, that’s been ignored for way way too long
Mark states in one of the comments of the video titled ‘Epm8 formula. Homemade Primer Formula’ that EPH20 is the way to go
found on page 21 of the PDF…
The Real Reasons You Can’t Buy Ammo
I have n
Been blessed.
I keep stock of many items but was of of primers.
I’m no means short on ammo but
A guy I know wanted me to reload some 3ot and 357/38 for him. His trade was 2000 primers.
I have .45 and 9 up the wazzu. I already had a lot. Hp and ball. Making more by the week.
I’ve recently gone full retard.
its going to save lives man, good job. Alot of our guys are “stocking up”. Many have production rooms..
Dont forget about shot gun shelks.
I was gifted a mech 12he reloaded a couple years ago. It came with lots of powder. Lead shot. Wads and a few thousand primers. I collect hulls when we shoot store bought and if any finds are new enough.
Thank goodness for the retards 🙂
Don’t forget the lazy.
To be fair the one guy had a new 9mm he had never shot in the year he owned it so I gifted him 60 rounds to practice and have some hollows for defense. That really opened up the door for me to trade for thousands of primers. Large rifle and small pistol magnum. 1k each. Minus the 100 30ot and the 150 38/357 i loaded for him.
Wouldn’t that be something if all our production ammunition was bought up by Soros inc and is now in the hands of invaders at our southern border
Eric Holder and Obama set up the cartels with arms ( fast n furious) border agent Terry got taken by one
The cartels of Central America are what’s at our border , our supplies hyjacked by the EFIO… hope everyone is sitting on enough . This could get exciting right here , on our soil
I’d say Henry hit on this one.
Who runs the clubs I wonder…
Here is what Gary Wahl has to say:
“This year we were given a chance by Federal in January to order ammunition and we got it. If they didn’t order in January it’s too late. It’s a fulfillment thing, they will actually put the clubs in as a priority.”
Related, kinda: 28 years ago – 2 and a half minute flashback: Koernke, 1993:
@22:56 – 25:30:
Damn good speech, no doubt about it. 28 years ago, alot going on back then… Mark is a very religious man, I like Henrys approach better, but both are true Americans who love freedom and how and why we must fight to get it back.
Two strong men, thats for goddamn sure…
This is why I totally support the trenches site…..our site stay strong Trenchers!!!