Will NIH’s 1 million person DNA database of immigrant children, prisoners and adults be a law enforcement goldmine?


If you thought sending your DNA to for-profit DNA companies was a bad idea, boy do I have bad news for you.

The National Institute of Health (NIH) is building a 1 million person DNA database of immigrant children, prisoners and adults, claiming that it will help them study diseases.

NIH’s “All of Us Research Program” (AoURP) will make corporate DNA databases look like a drop in the bucket.  

“NIH’s program will involve populations traditionally underrepresented in biomedical research who have exceptionally high mobility, including migrant workers, the homeless, and gender and sexual minorities.”

Curiously, the NIH makes no mention of “variant reclassification” meaning a person’s genetic results can change. Which makes NIH’s claims about studying diseases even more suspect.

How will the NIH convince one million immigrants to willingly hand over their DNA, medical history and much more?  By touring the country and enlisting doctors and nurses from hospitals and Community Health Centers who ‘ask’ them to provide it.

If you are thinking isn’t China doing the same thing? You would be correct.

China’s so-called health care program also uses doctors and nurses to collect millions of immigrant’s DNA.

“The mandatory databanking of a whole population’s biodata, including DNA, is a gross violation of international human rights norms, and it’s even more disturbing if it is done surreptitiously, under the guise of a free health care program.”

The only difference between the NIH’s, DNA collection and China’s is that it is not mandatory, yet.

NIH to collect children’s DNA

The NIH plans on asking immigrant families for their kid’s DNA and prisoners as well.

Children will be able to join in the future, potentially within the next 1-2 years.” 

In typical government fashion the NIH at first claims prisoners will be excluded from DNA collections but then a little further down on pages 12 and 13 of their “Operation Protocol” they admit they will be collecting prisoners DNA.

“We believe that prisoners should not bear an unfair share of the burden of participating in research or be excluded from its benefits, to the extent that voluntary participation is possible. Therefore, it is our intention to comply with all relevant federal and state laws, and applicable regulations under subpart C of 45 CFR part 46 for the inclusion of prisoners.” 

How different is the NIH’s DNA collection program from China’s when they target children and prisoners?

Can you guess what will happen to 1 million DNA samples and their personal information?

Page 59 of NIH’s “Operation Protocol” warns volunteers that their personally identifiable information (PII) is never destroyed including after participant withdrawal and 100% removal of PII cannot be guaranteed.

Will a 1 million person DNA goldmine of information be used to round up immigrants?

The NIH has close ties to DHS.

A Google search for the “National Institute of Health and Homeland Security” returned 14.6 million hits. DHS’s Biosafety Directive lists the NIH numerous times and two “Community Grant” links from January 2018 and September 2018 show the NIH receiving grants from DHS..

I could go on and on citing examples of the NIH and DHS collaboration but you get the picture.

Does anyone really think that law enforcement won’t have access to or sue for access to a 1 million person DNA database? (Click here & here to see how law enforcement gains access to DNA databases.)

This program scares the you know what out of me. Only time will tell if “Allof Us” will be used to round up immigrants and the homeless.


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