Your Federal Government, Working Against You for the Greater Good

PJ Media – by Michael Walsh

You knew this was happening, and you knew they would never admit it during an election year, but here we are:

The Obama administration is delaying deportation proceedings for recent immigrants in cities across the United States, allowing more than 56,000 of those who fled Central America since 2014 to remain in the country legally for several more years.

The shift, described in interviews with immigration lawyers, federal officials, and current and former judges, has been occurring without public attention for months. It amounts to an unannounced departure from the administration’s widely publicized pronouncements that cases tied to the so-called surge of 2014 would be rushed through the immigration courts in an effort to deter more Central Americans from entering the United States illegally.

The delayed cases are those of nearly half of the Central Americans who entered the United States as families since 2014, and close to a quarter of the total number of Central Americans who entered during that period, according to figures from the Justice Department. The delays are being made as a cost-saving measure, federal officials said, because of a lapse in enforcement that allowed immigrants who were supposed to be enrolled in an electronic monitoring program to go free.

The Obama administration has nothing but contempt for the real Americans it has decided are its political enemies, and whom it wishes to replace. No wonder Hillary Clinton, as revealed by Wikileaks, dreams of “open borders.”

“My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, some time in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere,” Clinton told Banco Itau, a Brazilian bank, on May 16, 2013.

Of course, they damn sure won’t be living in her neighborhood.

One thought on “Your Federal Government, Working Against You for the Greater Good

  1. “Your Federal Government, Working Against You for the Greater Good”


    NOT MY (so-called) ‘GOVERNMENT’!!!!!

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