1 dead, 3 injured in shooting at San Diego synagogue during Passover celebration

ABC News

A woman was fatally shot and three others were injured in a shooting during a Passover celebration at a San Diego synagogue Saturday, officials said.

The shooting happened about 11:30 a.m. local time at the Chabad of Poway synagogue.

The male suspect, a white 19-year-old San Diego resident, appeared to fire more than 10 rounds before leaving the synagogue, a law enforcement source told ABC News, noting that it all happened very quickly. 

“[We were] outside in front of our house and heard about six gunshots, a pause, some yelling and then another six or seven gunshots,” neighbor Chris Folts said, adding that he went inside to call 911.

During a news conference, San Diego Sheriff Bill Gore said that he had an AR-style assault weapon.

The four victims were transported to Palomar Medical Center, where one of them, an older woman, died. The three others are in stable condition, Gore said.

Minoo Anvari, whose husband was inside the synagogue, said that she was with a customer when he called her.

Anvari said that he told her, “One of my friends…is down. They took her to [the] hospital. The rabbi lost two fingers. But in spite of bleeding, he was trying to finish his speech. He was telling all the people who know him, ‘Be strong. … God helps us, God helps [our] country.'”

An off-duty border patrol agent was inside the synagogue during the shooting. The agent chased the suspect outside as he attempted to flee and fired on the suspect, striking his vehicle, Gore said.

The suspect was taken into custody after a K-9 officer saw the suspect on the freeway, after which the suspect jumped out of his car and put his hands up, San Diego Police Chief David Nisleit said during the conference.

Officers saw a rifle in the front seat of the suspect’s vehicle, he added.

The mayor of Poway tweeted Saturday afternoon, saying “hate has no place in ANY community…least of all Poway.”

“The Poway I know comes together as we did just a few weeks ago… We always walk with our arms around each other and we will walk through this tragedy with our arms around each other,” Mayor Pete Vaus said during the news conference. “We will get through this.”

President Donald Trump also tweeted about the incident, praising law enforcement for their “outstanding job.”

Relatives looking for their loved ones and synagogue-goers who were separated from the shooting were advised to go to Poway High School at 15500 Espola Road.

The shooting comes six months to the day that 11 people were killed in a shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh. It also occurred on the last day of Passover in a synagogue whose members are part of one of the largest and most widely known Orthodox Jewish communities in the world.

With the Chabad movement based in Brooklyn, New York, the New York Police Department said it was “closely monitoring” the situation and increasing patrols and presence at houses of worship out of an abundance of caution.


17 thoughts on “1 dead, 3 injured in shooting at San Diego synagogue during Passover celebration

    1Co 5:7  Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us: 
    1Co 5:8  Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. “SINCERITY AND TRUTH; THOSE THINGS OUR FRIEND HENRY HAS DEFINED AS “SUBSTANTIVE”. BILL OF RIGHTS OR NOTHING!!!

  2. Screw them . This another false flag to take our guns and to clap down on our speech about the jews. Screw them . I am sick of them I am so ready for this fight to get start i can taste it . My hate is really building up for these asshole.

  3. Saw one article that claimed the shooter used….you guessed it……an AR-15, conveniently the one make of rifle that the jews are most desperate to make illegal.

    Early reports say 1 dead, 3 wounded. That is a suspiciously low casualty count for a shooter with an AR-15 – that he was not legally old enough to own or purchase, due to California gun laws. Remember my earlier theory. It would be a simple matter for jews to comb the obituaries, find jews who recently died, pay their relatives a few shekels for their corpse, haul the corpse down to the synagogue, fire a couple of bullets into it, and then claim the shooter did it. Spread some shekels around inside the forensics department of the police dept to produce a fake Medical Examiner’s autopsy report, and bingo – false flag pulled off.

    I read most of the alleged ‘manifesto’, although got bored and skipped most of the rambling from around the half way point to the end. Saved a copy of it, so might go back and finish it later. It sounded to me like something that would have been written by the ADL or SPLC. The Tribe is notorious for citing 100 percent truthful and easily verifiable facts that clearly reveal their guilt and involvement in countless areas of subversive and racially genocidal anti-White agendas, their role in undermining and attempting to corrupt, pervert, and ultimately destroy White Western Civilization, their malicious promotion of sexual deviancy, pornography, their sick celebration of abortion and their promotion of miscegenation so as to further reduce and eventually prevent the birth of White babies – and then, once they lay out all of their evil sins against White Europeans – they’ll adopt their famous and infuriating air of self righteous indignation, stomp their feet, and whine and cry about how they just “cannot believe how anyone could be so evil and so full of hate as to accuse them of all these terrible things!”

    They do this because they cannot dispute the list of evil deeds they are being accused of being involved in, on a one by one basis. They would lose, because their accusers have all the facts and evidence on their side and all the tribe has is their lies and their famous ‘chutzpah’.

    Joe Biden, in fact, seems to be almost an expert on the enormous list of subversive, immoral, anti-White, anti-Western, anti-Christian morality agendas that the tribe has been the leading advocates for, and he stood before a room full of these self-chosen nation wrecking termites a few years ago, went down a short list, and then praised them for having pushed so many of these destructive agendas in America.


    1. Gotta say the piano-playing shocked me. And his age. All kinds of comments out there. Some saying he is, yep, Jewish. Was unclear and unsourced so I didn’t post it, but implied that one family member had the name “Newberg.” Didn’t say if it was the mother. I’ll watch to see if more comes out on this. The first 48 hours are the craziest.

      Another comment saying it was reported before it happened. It’s a frenzy. Could all this simply be to drive crazy those who just want the truth? And maybe they want us to tell ourselves that we’ll never know the real story so we just might as well give up. Ha! Am currently watching the “Cobra Kai” series and getting some good tools on not giving up. It ain’t perfect but it’s teaching kids to fight back, to go against the grain of the politically correct snowflake universe.

      Oh yeah, recalling Joe:


  4. Passover – the holiday where the Jews celebrate their devil-god’s slaying of all the first born baby Goy boys….Let the significance of that sink in.

  5. Here in Kalifornia, a judge JUST struck down the ‘more than 10 round magazine ban’ as unconstitutional. Mags’ FLOODED into Kalifornia.

    I saw this one coming. Told friends to watch for an AR shooting, and the mag-ban – AND a lot more laws – are coming, as these ‘proposals’ are written, ready, and waiting.

    1. I do not yet know the truth about the shooting or the shooter, but can’t help but wonder if Adam knows the difference between senseless violence and necessary violence.

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