13yr old Reprimanded By School For Saving Kid From Knife Attack (Canada,The Right To Be A Victim)

Published on Jun 3, 2013 by MrCensorMe3

Briar MacLean, 13, stepped in after he spotted an argument was quickly beginning to escalate between two boys when suddenly one of the boys pulled out a knife and began to threaten the other turning an scuffle into a potentially deadly situation. The heroic teenager charged and tackled the knife-brandishing youngster into a wall sending both attacker and knife falling to the floor. But in Canada you have the right to be a victim.
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Aired May ,2013

2 thoughts on “13yr old Reprimanded By School For Saving Kid From Knife Attack (Canada,The Right To Be A Victim)

  1. Basically what we have here in this situation is the AGENDA again take no personal responsibility be dependent on the government (police or what have you except they only show up after the fact not before) The day we give up defending ourselves or others is the day we surrender everything. The world thrives on service to others not forced by given cheerfully with no thought of self.

  2. When kids graduate from the public school system these days they can’t read, and they’re incapable of simple arithmetic.
    But they are taught that guns, civil rights and freedom are bad, and that everyone should aspire to be a homosexual.

    Is this what you want your kid learning? Why do you subject him to a brainwashing system that will only destroy any promise he has as an individual and replace it with the socialist “group think” and “team player” mentality? Why are you destroying your child’s mind with this crap?

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