$21 Trillion dollars is missing from the US government. That is $65,000 for every person in America. That is more than our entire national debt!

The Missing Money

What’s going on? Where is the money? How could this happen? How much has really gone missing? What would happen if a corporation failed to pass an audit like this? Or a taxpayer?

This means the Fed and their member banks are transacting government money outside the law. So are the corporate contractors that run the payment systems. So are the Wall Street firms who are selling government securities without full disclosure. Would your banks continue to handle your bank account if you behaved like this? Would your investors continue to buy your securities if you behaved like this? Would your accountant be silent?  

This is the reason that there is such a strong push to change or tear up the US Constitution. This is why members of the establishment say it is “old,” “outdated!” This is why there is such a push for gun control. Don’t buy it! We can use the Constitution to get our money and our government back. It is time to enforce the US Constitution.

The Solari Report has been covering the missing money since 2000 when Catherine Austin Fitts began to to warn Americans and global investors about mortgage fraud at the US Department of Housing and Development (HUD), the engineering of the housing bubble that lead to trillions more dollars in bailouts and funds missing from the US government starting in fiscal 1998.

The Missing Money

6 thoughts on “$21 Trillion dollars is missing from the US government. That is $65,000 for every person in America. That is more than our entire national debt!

  1. There comes a time when paying your taxes amounts to treason. Are you funding the terrorists who are working to destroy this country?

  2. No one gets paid til you Fking find it!
    How’s that?
    Wanna act like a bunch of spoiled brats ?
    Than they need to be treated as such

    The fact that they keep on keeping on with a problem such as this without a solution
    Shows fragrant disloyalty to this country

    Time to bag and tag yet?

    1. It was an accident goddamint.

      What part of that we accidentally lost this money and your getting reamed financially like a triple xxx porn film don’t you people understanding. .?

      That’s why we have insurance.

      I’m sure this bet was covered somewhere.

      Hell I lost my glasses the other day and I found them.

      I’m going be optimistic here…

      I know for a fact…

      That when I lose my glasses next time.

      They’ll find them right next to the 21 trillion I lost in Vegas playing video poker.

      At Mandalay Bay during the harvest fest.

  3. Oh my!

    What ever should we do?

    Im going to renew my drivers license and file for my income tax return. Like a cun@.

  4. “This is the reason that there is such a strong push to change or tear up the US Constitution.”

    I’m amenable to that.

    Try that sh#t with the Bill of Rights, however…

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